Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color horse does Owl Child sit on?
(a) Black and White.
(b) Black.
(c) White.
(d) Brown.

2. Which of the following does NOT advance the theme of loss and change in Chapters 13 and 14?
(a) That the white man is killing game for no reason.
(b) That Raven would have Fools Crow break with tradition and kill a white man.
(c) That Fast Horse is rejecting his promising future with the tribe as holder of the Beaver Medicine in favor of joining with Owl Child.
(d) That Red Paint has become pregnant.

3. Eagle's Rib's dream of the horse of death with the reins dragging and White Man's Dog's dream of the white-faced girl in the death lodge are both fulfilled by what plot development?
(a) The purifying ceremony of Mik-api.
(b) The return of Yellow Kidney to the Lone Eaters.
(c) The banishment of Fast Horse from the Lone Eaters.
(d) The arival of the young Pikunis men with the Napikwans horses.

4. What does Bull Shield sing as he emerges from his tipi?
(a) Bull Shield sings his victory song.
(b) Bull Shield sings his battle cry.
(c) Bull Shield sings his death song.
(d) Bull Shield sings his power song.

5. What does Fast Horse vow to do to appease Cold Maker, whom they have offended?
(a) Fast Horse vows to kill the chief of the Crows.
(b) Fast Horse vows to find Yellow Kidney.
(c) Fast Horse vows to bring two robes for Cold Maker's daughters.
(d) Fast Horse vows to make Red Paint medicine woman.

6. Which of the Pikunis go into the heart of the Crow camp?
(a) White Man's Dog, Eagle Ribs and Yellow Kidney.
(b) White Man's Dog, Fast Horse and Eagle Ribs.
(c) Yellow Kidney, Eagle Ribs and Fast Horse.
(d) Yellow Kidney, White Man's Dog and Fast Horse.

7. What reward will the Raven bestow on White Man's Dog if he releases the wolverine?
(a) Raven will teach White Man's Dog alone to use the wolverine's magic power.
(b) Raven will return Yellow Kidney to the tribe.
(c) Raven will make White Man's Dog brave and strong.
(d) Raven will give White Man's Dog a power dream.

8. Whose boastful recklessness worries Yellow Kidney because it could bring trouble to the raiding party's success?
(a) Fast Horse.
(b) White Man's Dog.
(c) Cold Maker.
(d) The Pikunis.

9. Which statement best describes the consensus of the men after discussing the present situation of the Pikunis and the Napikwans?
(a) They would like to count coup on the the Napikwans.
(b) They would rather die fighting the Napikwans and retain their pride.
(c) They would like to move camp to a place where the Napikwans are not likely to find them.
(d) They would like to propose a treaty with the Napikwans.

10. Who would Red Paint and White Man's Dog like to give the honor of naming the baby to?
(a) Rides-at-the-door.
(b) Fox Eyes.
(c) Crows Foot.
(d) Yellow Kidney.

11. Why does White Man's Dog blame himself for Yellow Kidney's disfigurement?
(a) Because if he had told his dream, they would have turned back.
(b) Because he should have returned and looked for Yellow Kidney.
(c) Because only he could have dreamed where Yellow Kidney was being held.
(d) Because he did not go into the camp with Yellow Kidney.

12. What is it about White Man's Dog that Yellow Kidney likes in spite of his unlucky reputation?
(a) White Man's Dog is an entertaining traveling companion.
(b) White Man's Dog is wise beyond his years.
(c) White Man's Dog projects a steadiness and calmness.
(d) White Man's Dog always does what he is told.

13. What bothers Fools Crow about the news that the Napikwan scout tells them?
(a) Fools Crow does not know if he can believe the Napikwan scout's story, as it is well known that the Napikwans lie.
(b) Fools Crow fears the bad luck that Four Bear's death may bring to the Pikunis.
(c) It bothers him that the man known as Four Bears was killed.
(d) It bothers him that Fast Horse might be with Owl Child, who he feels is a bad man.

14. What does Fools Crow use as bait to attract the evil Napikwan?
(a) Himself.
(b) Raven.
(c) Red Paint.
(d) A buffalo.

15. Why would the author use so much Native American terminology in this story?
(a) To show how knowledgable the author is about Native Americans.
(b) To introduce the reader to the Native American culture.
(c) To create an atmosphere of mystery.
(d) To confuse the reader.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 13, who arrives at the Lone Eaters' camp?

2. What does White Man's Dog want that he feels will increase his value as a prospective husband?

3. Where did Yellow Kidney hide that was a fulfillment of White Man's Dog's dream?

4. What does White Man's Dog think his dream means?

5. What object ties a wolverine dream of White Dog's and a wolverine dream of Kills-close-to-the-Lake's with reality?

(see the answer keys)

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