Fools Crow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4, Chapters 27-28.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Rides-at-the-door think should be banished from the Lone Eaters?
(a) Fast Horse.
(b) White Man's Dog.
(c) Yellow Kidney.
(d) Owl Child.

2. Fast Horse is a young brave who could best be described as follows:
(a) Someone who is always thinking of the future.
(b) Someone who is afraid of the Crow.
(c) Someone who brags and is full of self-importance.
(d) Someone who is kind and unassuming.

3. Why would the Lone Eaters trust the information the Napikwan healer brings?
(a) Because Fools Crow vouched for him as a fellow healer.
(b) Because the healer was married to a Pikunis woman who died of the white scab disease.
(c) They would not trust any information from any Napikwan.
(d) Because he smoked the pipe and swore his tongue was true and not forked.

4. What does Yellow Kidney give to White Man's Dog as a wedding present?
(a) His many-shots-gun.
(b) A ceremonial blanket.
(c) The skin of a white deer.
(d) A knife with an antler handle he made as a youth.

5. What concerns Rides-at-the-door regarding White Man's Dog's choice of a wife?
(a) White Man's Dog will lose position in the camp.
(b) He does not think White Man's Dog is ready to marry.
(c) He fears the woman will not be a good wife to White Man's Dog.
(d) White Man's Dog will be responsible for Yellow Kidney's entire family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens in Fast Horse's power dream?

2. What does White Man's Dog want that he feels will increase his value as a prospective husband?

3. Even though One Spot follows Fools Crow's advice, he comes down with what disease?

4. In Chapter 9, who said, "That's the way it is now. All the breathing things are gone--except for us. But hurry, brother, for I feel my strength slipping away."

5. In the beginning of Chapter 7, three riders enter the Pikunis camp riding on what?

(see the answer key)

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