Fools Crow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fools Crow Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapters 22-24.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does White Man's Dog sing as he rides into Bull Shield's camp?
(a) White Man's Dog sings his death song.
(b) White Man's Dog sings his victory song.
(c) White Man's Dog sings his power song.
(d) White Man's Dog sings his battle cry.

2. Which of the Pikunis go into the heart of the Crow camp?
(a) Yellow Kidney, White Man's Dog and Fast Horse.
(b) Yellow Kidney, Eagle Ribs and Fast Horse.
(c) White Man's Dog, Eagle Ribs and Yellow Kidney.
(d) White Man's Dog, Fast Horse and Eagle Ribs.

3. What does the author achieve by opening Chapter 3 from Yellow Kidney's point of view?
(a) The author achieves a mood shift for the reader.
(b) The author is able to reveal Yellow Kidney's dreams.
(c) The reader is able to see some of the qualities and deficits in the two main characters.
(d) The author prevents the reader from becoming bored.

4. Why can't White Man's Dog tell about Fast Horse's dream and vow as he would like?
(a) First he must be purified in the sweat lodge ceremony.
(b) He promised Fast Horse he would not tell.
(c) It can turn one's medicine bad if someone tells another man's dream.
(d) White Man's Dog is afraid of Fast Horse's anger.

5. Who is in charge of Indian Policy for the Napikwan government?
(a) General Sully.
(b) President McKinley.
(c) General Custer.
(d) Robert Grant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What losses do the Pikunis suffer as a result of the battle at Bull Shield's camp?

2. What does Fast Horse's alliance with Owl Child foretell?

3. What does Fast Horse vow to do to appease Cold Maker, whom they have offended?

4. What does White Man's Dog want that he feels will increase his value as a prospective husband?

5. In the beginning of Chapter 7, three riders enter the Pikunis camp riding on what?

(see the answer key)

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