Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge Test | Final Test - Medium

Terence McKenna
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge Test | Final Test - Medium

Terence McKenna
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what day was tobacco first introduced into Europe?
(a) November 2, 1493.
(b) November 2, 1492.
(c) November 3, 1492.
(d) December 8, 1652.

2. What was made by Raymond Lully?
(a) Brandy.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Bourbon.
(d) Scotch.

3. How had the natural world come to be seen by the late Roman times?
(a) As a comfort and an equal.
(b) None of these.
(c) As demonic and an imprisoning shell.
(d) As a friend and confidant.

4. What would separate the psychoactive alkaloids from those that are deadly in ergotized grain?
(a) Macerating the grain in water.
(b) Macerating the grain in wine.
(c) Macerating the grain in pigs fat.
(d) The fermentation process of the grain.

5. What existed in the gangster subculture?
(a) Prostitution.
(b) Various rackets.
(c) All of these.
(d) Loan sharking.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where were women paid to produce as many children as possible?

2. When was cocaine isolated for the first time?

3. What often went hand in hand with alcohol?

4. How was coca seen by the indigenous people of the Amazon?

5. When was the hypodermic syringe invented?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the difference between heroin and tobacco regarding addiction?

2. What is the difference between ayahuasca and DMT hallucinations?

3. What was indicative of an influx in feminine values?

4. Why do international intelligence agencies need to propagate narcotics?

5. What was considered history's joke on Europe?

6. How could Glaukos represent the Stropharia cubensis mushroom?

7. What of Marco Polo's adventures in the mysterious East may have blackened Cannabis' reputation?

8. Why is watching television comparable to narcotic addiction? What properties support this? How might it be worse?

9. In what ways is alcohol a problem for society?

10. What motifs of a barely remembered mushroom cult are evident in the story of Glaukos?

(see the answer keys)

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