Flyin' West Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flyin' West Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Miss Leah go west?
(a) As soon as she is freed.
(b) When all her children dies.
(c) The day the Homestead Act is enacted.
(d) When James dies.

2. How does Sophie's speech go at church?
(a) Well.
(b) Not many people stay to hear her speak.
(c) Sophie gets nervous and stammers the entire time.
(d) There are many arguments that the money is too much to refuse.

3. According to MInnie, what event causes Frank to escalate his hate for black people?
(a) His father's death.
(b) Frank is robbed by a black man.
(c) Frank realizes the only educated people he knows are all white.
(d) Frank loses a job to a less-qualified white man.

4. What causes Minnie to stumble her way into the main room in Act 2, Scene 3?
(a) She is attacked by the white men from the train.
(b) She has been beaten by Frank.
(c) She is drunk.
(d) She is attacked by black folks on her way home.

5. What is Frank's attitude when Fannie sees Frank on his way out?
(a) Hurried.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Guilty looking.
(d) In smiles.

6. Where is Minnie while Fannie and Miss Leah prepares dinner and Frank speaks with Sophie in the yard?
(a) In town.
(b) Resting in the bedroom.
(c) Out for a walk.
(d) At church.

7. What finally calms Frank down after reading the telegram?
(a) The white men from the train offer him a job.
(b) Minnie's support to head back to New Orleans to handle his issues.
(c) Knowing he has a place to stay in the meantime.
(d) Knowing Minnie has land that is worth a lot of money.

8. Miss Leah tells stories to Minnie and mentions a man named James. Who is James to Miss Leah?
(a) Miss Leah's late husband.
(b) Miss Leah's previous slave owner.
(c) Miss Leah's overseer.
(d) Miss Leah's first child.

9. What does Miss Leah tell Minnie about her pregnancy?
(a) Enough babies have been taken and Minnie must not lose hers.
(b) Minnie will probably have complications but to try her best.
(c) If Minnie wants to stay healthy for the baby, she should leave Frank.
(d) Pregnancy is important but Minnie's safety is the first priority.

10. According to Minnie's mother, why don't some black women leave their husbands when they are abusive?
(a) It is dishonorable.
(b) They have to deal with the white folks first.
(c) Because they still love them.
(d) If the man is good to the children, the mother will sacrifice herself.

11. Where is Frank going in Act 2, Scene 3 when he encounters Fannie and Miss Leah?
(a) Town.
(b) Church.
(c) Out for a walk.
(d) Post office.

12. What rude advice does Frank give Sophie?
(a) To stop trying to make Nicodemus something it will never be.
(b) To stop being high and mighty.
(c) To learn when to mind her own business.
(d) If she's smart enough, she'll know when to shut her trap.

13. What stops Frank and Minnie from returning to their old life in London?
(a) Frank has too many enemies back in London.
(b) Minnie wants to stay close to home.
(c) Frank needs to argue with his brothers for more money.
(d) Absolutely no money to buy him a passage ticket back.

14. What news does Frank flaunt to make Sophie angry?
(a) He just bought out a piece of land right next to Sophie.
(b) Minnie plans to sell her share of the land and return to London.
(c) His name is on Minnie's deed.
(d) A second telegram informs Frank he has legal rights to some money from his father.

15. Frank threatens to do what to Minnie in Act 2, scene 2?
(a) Bring her to town and sell her off.
(b) Leave her in Kansas.
(c) Purposefully cause a miscarriage.
(d) Kill her and her family.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sophie's mood before she encounters Frank in the yard?

2. What happens to Miss Leah's children after she is free?

3. What excuse does Minnie give to justify forgiveness for Frank's behavior?

4. What is Frank's demeanor as he is invited into the house by Fannie?

5. When excites Frank when Minnie receives her gift?

(see the answer keys)

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