Flying Lessons & Other Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

Oh, Ellen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flying Lessons & Other Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

Oh, Ellen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Seventy-Six Dollars and Forty-Nine Cents," who is the narrator's best friend?
(a) Herve.
(b) Michael.
(c) Shannon.
(d) Louis.

2. In "Choctaw Bigfoot, Midnight in the Mountains," what is the name of the family in the uncle's story?
(a) McGuffin.
(b) Chukma.
(c) Collins.
(d) Flaherty.

3. In "Main Street," what kind of person does the narrator says she had never known before?
(a) A genius.
(b) An outgoing person.
(c) Someone with red hair.
(d) A Black person.

4. In "Flying Lessons," what one activity do Santosh and his grandmotther do together?
(a) Swim.
(b) Visit ancient ruins.
(c) Take a cooking class.
(d) Go parasailing.

5. In "Main Street," what has the narrator lost?
(a) Her teddy bear.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her arm.
(d) Her bike.

6. In "Main Street," what does Celeste's father do?
(a) He talks to other people about their problems.
(b) He works with other people's money.
(c) He dances on Broadway.
(d) He teaches rich kids to have better manners.

7. What is the setting for "Main Street"?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) Wyoming.
(c) Arkansas.
(d) New York.

8. In "Main Street," what did Celeste's mother do in New York?
(a) She was a school teacher.
(b) She was a dancer.
(c) She was a doctor.
(d) She was a model.

9. In "Main Street," what instrument does Celeste play?
(a) Flute.
(b) Saxophone.
(c) Drums.
(d) Piano.

10. In "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push," what message does the narrator get at school?
(a) His father has been involved in a accident at work.
(b) Their team will be playing the best team in the league.
(c) His mother needs him to come home early to help her with chores.
(d) A girl in another class likes him.

11. In "Choctaw Bigfoot, Midnight in the Mountains," what do the Choctaw call bigfoot?
(a) Man with big feet.
(b) Bagonia Lassiter.
(c) Naloosha Chitto.
(d) Sasquatch.

12. In "Flying Lessons," what colors are Santosh's swimsuit?
(a) Purple and white.
(b) Red and white.
(c) Blue and yellow.
(d) Pink and blue.

13. In "Main Street," how long have the narrator's parents been together?
(a) 25 years.
(b) 17 years.
(c) 10 years.
(d) 20 years.

14. In "Main Street," what is the narrator's nickname?
(a) Treetop.
(b) Flower.
(c) Monkey.
(d) Sparkles.

15. In "Flying Lessons," how does the narrator know his grandmother is not going to swim at the beach?
(a) She told him she was not.
(b) She is wearing a fur coat.
(c) She is wearing high heels.
(d) She had a big lunch.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push," what does the narrator's father always seem to say?

2. In "Choctaw Bigfoot, Midnight in the Mountains," how do the Bohpoli cause Bigfoot to fall out of the tree?

3. In "Flying Lessons," who does Santosh think the boy he meets looks like?

4. In "Choctaw Bigfoot, Midnight in the Mountains," what is the narrator's nickname?

5. In "Main Street," Celeste tells the narrator Peterborough is what kind of place?

(see the answer keys)

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