Flying Colours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Flying Colours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Admiral Leighton's victory made possible?
(a) The French had pulled most of their fleet away to another port.
(b) Because of Hornblower's efforts a few days earlier.
(c) There was help from the locals.
(d) The French crews were on shore.

2. How are the men received?
(a) They are shot.
(b) They are turned away.
(c) They are invited into the house.
(d) They are held at gunpoint.

3. What does the Spanish warden demand?
(a) That Hornblower be executed in Rosas.
(b) That Hornblower be allowed an appeal trial in Rosas.
(c) That Hornblower, as a gentleman, be allowed a personal attendant on the voyage.
(d) That Hornblower and Bush not be transported until after Christmas.

4. Why is Hornblower self-conscious?
(a) The burn on his face.
(b) The deep wound and scarring from a sword cut in the last battle.
(c) Preparing for bed in the presence of other men.
(d) His men's deference.

5. Who hopes to face death with "colours flying"?
(a) Hornblower.
(b) Brown.
(c) Hornblower's crew.
(d) Bush.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to the Count's residence?

2. To whom is Marie married?

3. Where is Captain Horatio Hornblower languishing?

4. As a final act of compassion, what does the Spanish warden give Hornblower?

5. Who does the Count introduce?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the Spanish surgeon feel about Bush being transported and what does he do to mitigate the possible repercussions to Bush? What does this say about the surgeon's character?

2. Who is the owner of the house where the escapees knock to ask for aid? How does he treat the prisoners initially?

3. What does Hornblower think about when told Admiral Leighton might die? Do you think his thoughts make him less that honorable?

4. What seems to be one of Hornblowers primary emotional states? What does he think when he reviews his actions which led to his imprisonment?

5. What happens in the first few hours after their escape? Why is the river being swift to their advantage?

6. How do the Spanish treat Hornblower and what can he see from where he is? What do you think it says about his character that they would do this?

7. How does Hornblower appeal to Caillard's humanity and what is Caillard's response?

8. What happens that slows down the travel?

9. Where and when is Hornblower when the book opens?

10. What happens that stops the escapees' trip down the river?

(see the answer keys)

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