Flying Colours Test | Final Test - Easy

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Flying Colours Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hornblower learn about Admiral Leighton?
(a) That he is slowly recovering.
(b) That he dies of his wounds.
(c) They are uncertain about Leighton's fate.
(d) That he is fully recovered and back in command.

2. What must the men discard?
(a) Their weapons.
(b) Their boat.
(c) Their supplies.
(d) Their disguise as fishermen.

3. What do the newspapers that Bush shows Hornblower extol?
(a) Hornblower's virtues and amazement at his exploits.
(b) The end of the war with Napoleon.
(c) The new steam engines.
(d) The victory of Nelson's fleet at Trafalgar.

4. Who does he notice laboring at the docks?
(a) Chain gains of slaves.
(b) Captured English sailors.
(c) Many Americans.
(d) Captured English citizens.

5. Who visits Hornblower back at his residence in England?
(a) The French Count.
(b) Brown.
(c) Admiral Leighton.
(d) Bush.

6. What does Hornblower notice about Brown as they are leaving?
(a) Nothing in particular.
(b) His French is quite good.
(c) He seems to have had a romantic relationship with at least two women.
(d) He has a wedding ring on his finger.

7. What intrigues Hornblower as he observes the activities of the harbor?
(a) That the French have only one frigate in the harbor.
(b) The local blockade effort.
(c) The fact that there are a dozen or more American vessels.
(d) That there are ten captured English vessels in the harbor.

8. Why do the men have to stay inside?
(a) They are not used to the bitter French winters.
(b) They go outside when it becomes Spring.
(c) So their presence goes entirely undetected.
(d) The weather is so bad most of the time.

9. About what does Hornblower feel ashamed?
(a) His fear of dying.
(b) His relationship with the Count's daughter-in-law.
(c) His impatience with Bush's handicap.
(d) His envy of Brown's popularity.

10. Who weeps when Brown says goodbye?
(a) All the serving women.
(b) Felix's daughter.
(c) Bertrand's oldest daughter.
(d) A farm girl in the next village.

11. For how long has Hornblower been without sleep?
(a) Almost a week
(b) 40 hours.
(c) 24 hours.
(d) 72 hours.

12. About what does Hornblower continue to worry?
(a) His wife.
(b) Why they are no longer searching for them.
(c) His position in the Navy.
(d) His escape plans.

13. How do the men propel the boat?
(a) They drift with the current.
(b) They row.
(c) They have a sail.
(d) They paddle.

14. How does Hornblower visualize his wife?
(a) As happy to be free of him.
(b) As finally able to become involved with her childhood love.
(c) He tries not to think of her.
(d) As a widow in mourning.

15. What does Bush have great difficulty doing?
(a) Staying in France for so long.
(b) Accepting Hornblower's friendship.
(c) Walking on his leg with the missing foot.
(d) Speaking French.

Short Answer Questions

1. What worries Hornblower about their eventual arrival home?

2. How is Hornblower able to bluster his way onto the cutter he decides to steal?

3. What do the newspapers announce finally?

4. What does Hornblower learn in a letter from Barbara?

5. How much money does Hornblower receive from the sale of the vessel he captures?

(see the answer keys)

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