Flying Colours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Flying Colours Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to his men daily?
(a) They are flogged and tortured.
(b) They are forced into extremely crowded cells.
(c) They continue to die of their wounds.
(d) They are put on exhibit for the scorn and ridicule of the local populace.

2. Why is Bush at a critical stage of his recovery?
(a) He has not been wounded very long.
(b) He is psychologically hoping for death.
(c) The ligatures of arteries still extend beyond the wound and the stump has yet to heal over.
(d) His stump is still bleeding.

3. What is the year?
(a) 1810.
(b) 1799.
(c) 1825.
(d) 1822.

4. What happens when Hornblower withdraws the final ligature from Bush's stump?
(a) The wound immediately appears better.
(b) Brown faints while watching.
(c) Bush faints.
(d) The wound bleeds and oozes pus.

5. Why is Hornblower thrown into the water?
(a) The boat capsizes.
(b) He intentionally gets in the water.
(c) The boat hits a tree limb.
(d) Brown accidentally knocks him in with an oar.

6. What does Hornblower do in the reading room?
(a) Talks with Marie about her life there.
(b) Falls asleep in the chair.
(c) Reads the notice of his escape.
(d) Reviews several weeks' worth of newspapers.

7. What does the doctor tell Caillard?
(a) Bush can travel in a day.
(b) Bush's recovery is at a critical stage.
(c) Bush can travel immediately.
(d) They should just leave Bush there as he is about to die anyway.

8. Who is Lady Barbara Leighton?
(a) The wife of his admiral and the love of his life.
(b) His wife's sister.
(c) His mother.
(d) His wife's mother.

9. How many sons does the Count have?
(a) 3.
(b) 0.
(c) 1.
(d) 6.

10. Why does the Colonel decide to go ahead with the transport of Bush and Hornblower despite Bush's injuries?
(a) Bush is scheduled for execution so if he dies on the journey, it does not matter.
(b) They have a physician to travel with them.
(c) The Colonel thinks traveling is no worse as languishing in a prison.
(d) They want to execute him on Bastille Day.

11. In what way does Hornblower answer the Count?
(a) Evasively.
(b) The Count does not question Hornblower that evening.
(c) Defensively.
(d) Honestly.

12. Why do Hornblower and Brown have to drag the boat free?
(a) It grounds in shallow water.
(b) It is caught in a small water whirlpool.
(c) It is caught in thick weeds.
(d) It snags on an underwater log.

13. With what does Hornblower struggle?
(a) His sense of honor in staying there.
(b) His inadequate French.
(c) Nothing at the moment.
(d) His fear of discovery.

14. Who is commanding the English fleet that is attacking in the harbor?
(a) Captain Stone.
(b) Admiral Nelson.
(c) Admiral Leighton.
(d) Captain Aubrey.

15. Where does the coach slide?
(a) Into a huge tree.
(b) Into Napoleon's carriage.
(c) Off the elevated roadway and almost into the river.
(d) Into a mud bog.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Hornblower talk to after the English leave?

2. Why is Hornblower to be transported to Paris?

3. What offer by the Count does Hornblower decline?

4. What is disgraceful about the French behavior after the English strike their colors?

5. Who comes to the Count's residence?

(see the answer keys)

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