Flush: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flush: A Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Robert Wiedeman Barrett Browning known as?
(a) Thesaurus Browning.
(b) Bob Browning.
(c) Scribble Browning.
(d) Pen Browning.

2. What phrase did Flush hear Elizabeth Barrett Browning say fifty times a day in Chapter 5: "Italy"?
(a) "My word."
(b) "Robert, my husband."
(c) "Heaven help us."
(d) "Goodness gracious."

3. What did Mrs. Browning say Flush went out and did the with other dogs every day in Pisa in Chapter 5: "Italy"?
(a) Spoke Italian.
(b) Went swimming.
(c) Chased cats.
(d) Scavenged for food.

4. On what day did Flush return to Elizabeth after being kidnapped and held for ransom?
(a) September 5.
(b) November 22.
(c) May18.
(d) July 25.

5. Who had imported American rapping spirits to Knebworth?
(a) Mr. Landor.
(b) Mr. Kenyon.
(c) Mr. Thomas Beames.
(d) Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

6. When was Virginia Woolf born?
(a) 1864.
(b) 1894.
(c) 1907.
(d) 1882.

7. What Shakespearean play does the author discuss in Chapter 5: "Italy"?
(a) Troilus and Cressida.
(b) Romeo and Juliet.
(c) Antony and Cleopatra.
(d) King Lear.

8. What did the giant cockatoo repeatedly say in the place where Flush was taken after being stolen?
(a) "I love you."
(b) "Here, kitty."
(c) "Wanna cracker?"
(d) "Pretty Poll."

9. To Flush all scenery was what, according to the author in Chapter 5: "Italy"?
(a) Mezmerizing.
(b) Insipid.
(c) Thought provoking.
(d) Beautiful.

10. What did Mr. Browning accuse Barnard Gregory of stealing in Chapter 4: "Whitechapel"?
(a) Characters.
(b) Gold.
(c) Governmental positions.
(d) Money.

11. Where did Miss Barrett take Flush after leaving London in Chapter 5: "Italy"?
(a) Vallombrosa.
(b) Siena.
(c) Florence.
(d) Pisa.

12. The author writes in Chapter Six: "The End," that early in the nineteenth century the Countess of where had bought a crystal ball from a magician?
(a) Vallombrosa.
(b) Reading.
(c) Florence.
(d) Blessington.

13. The author writes in Chapter Six: "The End," that the shade of Florence was hotter than the sun of ___________.
(a) Vere Street.
(b) Wimpole Street.
(c) Oxford Street.
(d) Tottenham Court Road.

14. What kind woman would pause and take a sugared biscuit from her reticule when passing Flush?
(a) Henrietta.
(b) Miss Mitford.
(c) Miss Isa Blagden.
(d) Miss Wilson.

15. What was the name of the house where the Brownings lived in Florence?
(a) Casa Guidi.
(b) Three Mile Cross.
(c) Villa Romeo.
(d) Casa Grande.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom had Elizabeth Barrett gone shopping when Flush was stolen?

2. When was Mrs. Dalloway published?

3. In the summer, what was Flush beset by that made him edgy and despondent?

4. What brother of Elizabeth's went to see the dog thief the afternoon after Flush was stolen?

5. What was a controversial 19th century British newspaper which featured reports of scandals involving well known residents of London?

(see the answer keys)

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