Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After talking with some college students when his IQ has reached 100, what does Charlie think that college is?
(a) The place where all former beliefs are challenged.
(b) The place where dreams come true.
(c) The place to learn how to really live.
(d) The place where you can be free to be yourself.

2. What does Charlie see when he begins to put his arm around Alice at the concert in the park?
(a) His mother coming at him with a knife.
(b) A police officer staring at him with malice.
(c) An angry boy in the bushes watching him.
(d) His sister's face.

3. When does Charlie first realize that women's bodies are different than men's?
(a) When he sees his mother changing.
(b) When he is shown a dirty magazine.
(c) When he sees an old woman being bathed.
(d) When he sees Norma in the shower.

4. What did Charlie give Harriet on Valentines Day when he was younger?
(a) A poem.
(b) A cake.
(c) A locket.
(d) A picture frame.

5. How does Professor Nemur respond to Charlie's return to the lab after his time in his own apartment?
(a) He is cold and severe.
(b) He is angry, but satisfied.
(c) His is immensely relieved.
(d) He is jealous.

6. Where is the conference for the International Psychological Association being held?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Salt Lake.
(c) Detroit.
(d) New York.

7. How many people are housed at the Warren State Home and Training School?
(a) 400.
(b) 500.
(c) 4,000.
(d) 1,500.

8. Why does Charlie's mom slap him when he holds the baby?
(a) She is always cruel to Charlie.
(b) Charlie is rough with everything.
(c) Charlie is holding her wrong.
(d) She is afraid he will hurt the baby.

9. Where is Charlie when a random woman offers to go home with him?
(a) A restaurant.
(b) Central Park.
(c) The hospital.
(d) The college.

10. What does Charlie think of his sister when she is first brought home from the hospital?
(a) She is ugly.
(b) She is perfect and warm.
(c) She cries a lot.
(d) She is like a little doll.

11. What is Charlie's father's occupation when he finds him after moving into his own apartment?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Salesman.
(c) Barber.
(d) Mechanic.

12. What does Charlie learn about Algernon at the conference for the International Psychological Association?
(a) He is listless and bored.
(b) He is displaying a regression in intelligence.
(c) He is now the smartest mammal in creation.
(d) His actions have become erratic.

13. What does Charlie promise himself he will do the next time he is out with Alice after he tells her he likes her?
(a) Pretend he never said those things.
(b) Ignore his funny feelings.
(c) Kiss her.
(d) Explain himself.

14. What does Charlie do after his promotion that earns him a raise at the bakery?
(a) Finds a new wholesaler to get supplies at half the regular cost.
(b) Creates a new recipe for bread.
(c) Rearranges the machines to speed up production.
(d) Puts out some good publicity and doubles the customer traffic.

15. What was Charlie's father's occupation?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Mechanic.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Selling barbershop supplies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the random woman say to Charlie that causes him to think she is disgusting?

2. What does Nemur telll Charlie not to read about until Nemur says he is ready?

3. What does Charlie build for Algernon in his own furnished apartment?

4. What do Charlie's friends from the bakery make him do with Ellen at a party?

5. How does Charlie pretend to be a student at the college once his IQ hits 100?

(see the answer keys)

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