Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlie do when Nemur asks him to speak to the audience at the conference for the International Psychological Association?
(a) Speaks in another language.
(b) Lets Algernon out of his cage.
(c) Runs away.
(d) Refuses to 'perform'.

2. What does the random woman say to Charlie that causes him to think she is disgusting?
(a) She is 17.
(b) She is a virgin.
(c) She is 5 months pregnant.
(d) She has an STD.

3. What is Fay's occupation?
(a) Artist.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Singer.
(d) Dancer.

4. What does Charlie wish he could see more clearly in his past memories?
(a) His house.
(b) His own body.
(c) His parent's faces.
(d) His surroundings.

5. What does Fay do while Charlie is away at the peak of his intellectual abilities?
(a) Becomes good friends with Alice.
(b) Finds a new boyfriend.
(c) Paints a picture of herself and Charlie.
(d) Searches for Charlie.

6. Where did Norma think his brother was before she was contacted about the surgery?
(a) Dead.
(b) With her uncle.
(c) An institution.
(d) Jail.

7. What does Charlie do to spoil the evening when he tells Alice that he likes her?
(a) Spills water on her.
(b) Passes gas.
(c) Drops his meal on the floor.
(d) Swears.

8. Why does Charlie's mom slap him when he holds the baby?
(a) She is afraid he will hurt the baby.
(b) She is always cruel to Charlie.
(c) Charlie is rough with everything.
(d) Charlie is holding her wrong.

9. What is Charlie's father's occupation when he finds him after moving into his own apartment?
(a) Mechanic.
(b) Barber.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Salesman.

10. What does Charlie see when he begins to put his arm around Alice at the concert in the park?
(a) A police officer staring at him with malice.
(b) His sister's face.
(c) An angry boy in the bushes watching him.
(d) His mother coming at him with a knife.

11. What is Algernon doing when Charlie finds him at the end of the conference for the International Psychological Association?
(a) Running the maze backwards with his eyes closed.
(b) Sleeping peacefully.
(c) Staring in the mirror.
(d) Bashing himself against the wall.

12. How do Charlie's co-workers respond to the drastic change in Charlie as he becomes more intelligent?
(a) They are disappointed.
(b) They are happy.
(c) They are hostile.
(d) They are scared.

13. What does Charlie do to calm himself when he wakes up after his nightmare about Alice on the night after he tellls her he likes her?
(a) Reads a book.
(b) Drinks some coffee.
(c) Takes a walk.
(d) Smokes a pipe.

14. After talking with some college students when his IQ has reached 100, what does Charlie think that college is?
(a) The place where all former beliefs are challenged.
(b) The place where you can be free to be yourself.
(c) The place where dreams come true.
(d) The place to learn how to really live.

15. What happens after the woman that confronts Charlie screams in response to what he does to her?
(a) Charlie has a flash-back memory of his family.
(b) Charlie sees a halucination of a little boy again.
(c) The woman cries.
(d) A crowd chases after him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Charlie give Harriet on Valentines Day when he was younger?

2. What does Charlie say he does not want to have happen to Algernon when he is shown around the lab?

3. Who does Charlie think about while he is with Fay in his new apartment?

4. What does Charlie catch Gimpy doing at the bakery?

5. Who observes Algernon in his old maze when Charlie returns him to the lab?

(see the answer keys)

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