Florida Test | Final Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Florida Test | Final Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Alice to tell her about Mr. Early's death?
(a) Aunt Frances.
(b) Mrs. Early.
(c) Arlette.
(d) Mother.

2. What does Alice say she is hoping for in the chapter labeled Short Identifications?
(a) A letter.
(b) Money falling from the sky.
(c) A vacation.
(d) A rich uncle from Madeira.

3. What does Alice do at the end of Part Two:The Big House- Arthur?
(a) She steals one of Nonna's paintings to sell.
(b) She get a job taking tickets at the art museum.
(c) She moves out of The Big House.
(d) She hitchhikes to Florida.

4. How do Alice and her Walter each deal with their troubled relationship?
(a) He drinks and she plays the slots.
(b) They both drink and he hits her.
(c) She smokes pot and he drinks.
(d) She drinks and he gambles.

5. What health problem does Uncle Billy have in the last part of the story?
(a) Heart problems.
(b) Breathing problems.
(c) Diabetes.
(d) Sleep Apnea.

6. What does Mother tell Alice was found in Father's car after he died?
(a) A brochure for Daytona Beach.
(b) A present for Mother.
(c) His briefcase.
(d) A present for Alice.

7. What does Alice argue with her aunt and uncle about after Arthur's death?
(a) Who should pay his expenses.
(b) Who gets his Magnavox.
(c) Where Arthur is buried.
(d) The reason he died.

8. What does Mother say about Nonna's feelings for her children?
(a) That she ignored both of her children.
(b) That she only had room in her heart for Billy.
(c) That she resented both of her children.
(d) That she was overprotective and worried constantly.

9. Where does Alice stay during Arthur's funeral?
(a) In a hotel.
(b) With Arlette.
(c) At Uncle Billy's.
(d) At the Big House.

10. Who does Mother blame for the circumstances of her life?
(a) Her family.
(b) Alice.
(c) Father.
(d) Herself.

11. What does Alice want to draw?
(a) Her aunt and uncle, their hands, their glasses.
(b) Her future.
(c) The desert at sunset.
(d) Mother, as she used to be.

12. What does Aunt Frances confide to Alice during their last visit in the book?
(a) That she sometimes steals packs of gum.
(b) That she misses Uncle Billy.
(c) That she regrets being so strict with Alice.
(d) That she has cancer.

13. How do Nonna and Alice communicate?
(a) With Miss O'Boyle as a translator.
(b) By writing on a spiral notepad.
(c) By writing on a slate.
(d) With hand gestures.

14. What does Alice say she misses about men in the Any House chapter?
(a) Someone as messed up as me.
(b) Their touching ways.
(c) Their money.
(d) Nothing.

15. Who pays for Arthur's funeral arrangements?
(a) Uncle Billy and Aunt Frances.
(b) Arthur had money set aside.
(c) Nonna's estate.
(d) Alice sells her pearls to pay for it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Alice in a lawyer's office?

2. Who does Alice live with at the brownstone at West 76th Street?

3. What does Alice ask Mother to sign in Part Four?

4. What does Alice tell Mr. Early about Father?

5. What kind of poets does Alice say Father liked?

(see the answer keys)

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