Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Medium

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What holds Lynn back from treating all the personalities properly?
(a) She loves them too much.
(b) Fear.
(c) Disgust.
(d) She has lost objectivity.

2. What did Dr. Tate try to do when the Flock was in the emergency room?
(a) He discouraged them from staying.
(b) He gave them a report about Joan Frances' condition.
(c) He tried to put the Flock in the psychiatric ward.
(d) He tried to find the security guard to remove them.

3. How did Joan Frances feel about Lynn?
(a) Joan Frances despised her.
(b) She didn't trust Lynn.
(c) She loved her.
(d) She feared Lynn.

4. When the Flock called Lynn, what did she tell them?
(a) They needed to fix their own problems.
(b) They were welcome at her house, and she would be home in the evening.
(c) She would drop everything and join them immediately.
(d) They should leave her alone.

5. How did the Flock feel after break?
(a) Invigorated.
(b) Depressed and disoriented.
(c) Renewed and peaceful.
(d) Agitated and energetic.

Short Answer Questions

1. Steve told Jo that he was going to a psychiatrist for what reason?

2. What had changed in Renee's relationship with Steve by Thanksgiving?

3. How did Jo feel about the person who was going to help?

4. How did Josie react to the atmosphere of the summer?

5. What happened to Lynn and Gordon?

Short Essay Questions

1. Things were moving pretty smoothly until Renee went back to visit Richmond. Explain what happened during her visit there.

2. What was happening to Lynn and Gordon's relationship with Renee, and how did Lynn feel about this?

3. How did Bethany react when Renee explained that she was a multiple?

4. How did Renee react to the idea of an alliance when Lynn proposed it before graduate school?

5. What was happening with the marriage plans between Renee and Steve?

6. What did Gordon refer to the different personalities as and why?

7. By Christmas of 1984, several of the personalities were merging. What was Lynn concerned about?

8. What happened when Joan came into being?

9. What was the relationship between Rusty and Gordon?

10. After Renee met her roommate and Joan Frances came out, what did Renee realize that she had to do?

(see the answer keys)

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