Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Lynn do to help Renee make the adjustment to living at school?
(a) Lynn called every day.
(b) Lynn helped her find a psychologist who could be on call to help her.
(c) Lynn wrote letters to Renee every week.
(d) Lynn visited every week

2. What did Renee determine about Josie?
(a) She realized that Josie has the social skills to control the Flock.
(b) She realized that Josie had the mentality of a one-year-old.
(c) She realized that Josie had been raped by her father.
(d) She realized Josie could speak several languages.

3. How did Renee feel about the separation from Lynn and Gordon?
(a) She embraced the idea of freedom.
(b) She wasn't sure that the Flock could withstand the separation.
(c) She felt they were abandoning her by not going with her.
(d) She knew she was ready.

4. How did Renee feel about her session with Dr. Wu?
(a) She realized the doctor wasn't working well with her situation.
(b) She knew they were a perfect match.
(c) She though the rest of the Flock would love her.
(d) She was attracted to Dr. Wu.

5. What did Rusty realize about his father that summer?
(a) He realized his dad didn't know how to do guy stuff.
(b) He realized his dad loved him.
(c) He realized his dad wasn't ever going to come back.
(d) He realized his dad was a pervert.

6. How did Jo begin to think of Lynn and Gordon?
(a) As family.
(b) She thought they were turning against her.
(c) She didn't think they were trustworthy.
(d) As good friends.

7. What kind of reader was Rusty?
(a) He couldn't read at all.
(b) He was a meticulous reader.
(c) He was a very fast reader.
(d) He had great recall.

8. What did Nancy say when Joan told her that her father had molested her?
(a) She sent Joan away.
(b) She said that it made sense.
(c) She denied that it could have happened.
(d) She refused to think about it.

9. What did Joan realize that Joan Frances had to come to terms with?
(a) She had to accept herself as a survivor of her father's abuse.
(b) She was the leader of the Flock.
(c) She was intelligent.
(d) She was smart.

10. What did Renee do when Lynn defended Steve?
(a) She ran away.
(b) She yelled to Gordon for help.
(c) She hit Lynn.
(d) She thanked Lynn.

11. What did Dr. Tate accused the Flock of being?
(a) Manic.
(b) Suicidal.
(c) Manipulative.
(d) Depressed.

12. What did Rusty ask Gordon to do?
(a) Help him make a card for Lynn.
(b) Find his father.
(c) Be his dad.
(d) Learn to read.

13. When the Flock called Lynn, what did she tell them?
(a) They should leave her alone.
(b) She would drop everything and join them immediately.
(c) They were welcome at her house, and she would be home in the evening.
(d) They needed to fix their own problems.

14. How did Renee feel about hospitalization?
(a) She knew there was a time and place for it.
(b) Hospitals made her sad since they reminded her of her father's death.
(c) It was out of the question.
(d) She was scared of hospitals.

15. How did Renee feel about the Flock integrating into one person?
(a) She thought it might happen eventually.
(b) She laughed at the idea.
(c) She insisted it wasn't going to happen.
(d) She refused to even consider the idea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened after the realization about Josie?

2. How did Steve respond when Jo asked him whether he'd rather be involved with her as a multiple or some other single person?

3. What did Dr. Tate think about Joan Frances?

4. Gordon compared multiple personalities with ____________.

5. What happened to Renee after the experience in the bar?

(see the answer keys)

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