Floaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Floaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 7, Fortney and Leeds drive to Shelter Island and enter the bar with what, to ensure that the bar is packed?
(a) The fullest parking lot.
(b) The best location.
(c) Body guards.
(d) The loudest music.

2. What happens to the beer containing the second dose of medication?
(a) It is spilled all over Simon.
(b) It spills all over Blaze’s chest.
(c) Simon drinks it accidentally.
(d) Blaze drinks it accidentally.

3. What is Blaze Duvall’s real name?
(a) Mary Ellen Oberlander.
(b) Mary Ellen Singleton.
(c) Laura Ingalls Wilder.
(d) Jane Kelly.

4. What does Anne remember about her police uniform back in the days when she was first a vice cop?
(a) The uniform was uncomfortable and impractical.
(b) The uniform was very flattering.
(c) The uniform was the newest design for female cops.
(d) The uniform was too short and immodest.

5. Who does Ambrose think about when he goes into his room to get the money for Blaze?
(a) His sister.
(b) His mother.
(c) The Cup.
(d) Blaze.

6. Who does Boggs want to take down Oliver Mantleberry?
(a) Anne.
(b) Himself.
(c) Blaze.
(d) Westbrook.

7. What gets Taylor to talk?
(a) Taylor's neighbor tells her what Oliver did.
(b) Boggs tells her the real reason for why Oliver is living with her and the children.
(c) Oliver confesses to murdering Dawn.
(d) Boggs lets her know that Oliver is a murder suspect.

8. Who is Tamara Taylor?
(a) A former prostitute and the mother of three of Oliver’s children.
(b) Serenity Jones' daughter.
(c) Blaze's sister.
(d) Elizabeth Taylor's daughter.

9. Fortney is thinking about Blaze and decides he will do what?
(a) Forget her.
(b) Kill her.
(c) Marry her.
(d) Date her.

10. What does Taylor know about Oliver’s recent behavior?
(a) He had come home, packed up some of his things and left.
(b) She had not seen or heard from him in days.
(c) He had come home covered in blood.
(d) He had come home to say goodbye.

11. Who lets Letch know that Oliver Mantleberry has been asking about Dawn’s whereabouts?
(a) Anne Zorn.
(b) Mick Fortney.
(c) Blaze Duvall.
(d) Rita Mason.

12. In Chapter 8, to what does Blaze compare the Dawn Coyotes of this world?
(a) Drugs.
(b) Viruses.
(c) Rodents.
(d) Insects.

13. What is Ambrose wearing when Blaze arrives to give him the bad news?
(a) Swim trunks.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A three-piece suit.
(d) His pajamas and smoking jacket.

14. What happens that ends Dawn’s evening on the street?
(a) She is too tired.
(b) She knows she needs to get to Blaze's home.
(c) She runs out of men.
(d) She accidentally trips and rolls her ankle.

15. Why had the San Diego Yacht Club given the job of Keeper to Ambrose?
(a) He was most qualified.
(b) No one else wanted it.
(c) He begged for the position.
(d) He was the most loyal of members.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anne tell Boggs was found on Dawn Coyote’s body?

2. Until when does Ambrose want to keep the Cup?

3. How does Ambrose hurt his foot when dumping Blaze’s body in Fisherman’s Channel?

4. Why does Ambrose begin to sob when he sees that Blaze’s name was Mary Ellen Singleton?

5. When Leeds and Fortney receive a call of a floater, why is the body unidentifiable?

(see the answer keys)

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