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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. When did Ovid go to Feathertown High school to see about getting volunteers?
2. In what kind of orchard trees have the butterflies come to alight in Chapter 14?
3. With whom will Dellarobia and her children live after they move?
4. About how much money does Ovid say the Tissuemizer cost?
5. On what day of the week does Dellarobia go to the trailer and see Ovid naked in Chapter 10?
Short Essay Questions
1. What job does Dellarobia take on Ovid's team? What does her job entail?
2. What does Ovid tell Dellarobia about global warming in Chapter 10?
3. What bond do Hester and Dellarobia forge with the Womyn Knit the Earth campers in Chapter 12?
4. What does Dellarobia give to Preston for his birthday in Chapter 14? What is the significance of this gift?
5. Where does Dellarobia go with Dovey in Chapter 11? How is this setting described?
6. What do Dellarobia and Preston observe while waiting for the bus in Chapter 13? Why is this significant?
7. How is Ovid's lab described? Where is it located?
8. How do Dellarobia's perceptions of the butterflies differ from Cub's?
9. Why does Ovid oppose attempts to save the butterflies by relocating them?
10. What three things does Dellarobia tell Preston in Chapter 14?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss the symbolism of the lamb that Dellarobia saves in the novel. What does this animal represent? How does Dellarobia saving it help her feel redeemed from her past? What does this event signify in her relationship with Cub?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the motif of religion in Flight Behavior. How important is religion to the inhabitants of Feathertown? What church dominates the community? How would you describe this church and congregation?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the theme of community versus outsiders in Flight Behavior. How do the inhabitants of Feathertown perceive Ovid and his scientific team? What are their views regarding logging and the environmental advocates? What symbolism relates to this theme?
This section contains 694 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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