Flight Behavior: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flight Behavior: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dellarobia describe one big fire sale due to drought in Chapter 12?
(a) Oklahoma.
(b) Texas.
(c) Arkansas.
(d) Wisconsin.

2. What do the windows in Cordie and Preston's room look out upon?
(a) The Jameses' orchard.
(b) The Cooks' orchard.
(c) The Rowlands' orchard.
(d) The Rogers' orchard.

3. What is chicken of the woods?
(a) A fruit.
(b) A flower.
(c) A mushroom.
(d) A bird.

4. Who was Dellarobia's English teacher in high school?
(a) Mr. Wilson.
(b) Coach Crook.
(c) Coach James.
(d) Mrs. Lake.

5. Who was the one-armed man that ran the little grocery store in Feathertown before it closed?
(a) Mr. Jade.
(b) Mr. Squire.
(c) Mr. Emerson.
(d) Mr. Kimble.

6. The narrator says in Chapter 13, "This was one of those days when Dellarobia's past was tagging her around like" what (379)?
(a) A trail of tears.
(b) A freight train.
(c) A hungry cur.
(d) A shadow.

7. What did Pete take with him when he departed?
(a) The thermometers.
(b) All of the lab equipment.
(c) Temperature reports.
(d) Frozen butterfly parts.

8. What word is defined in Chapter 9 as "Of or pertaining to the tailor's trade" (225)?
(a) Articulate.
(b) Millinry.
(c) Sartorial.
(d) Divisive.

9. Who is running things at the storefront for the mission in Chapter 13?
(a) Beulah Rasberry.
(b) Angela Edwards.
(c) Michelle Adkins.
(d) Crystal Epstein.

10. Where did Ovid end up picking up Julet after flight issues?
(a) Cleveland.
(b) Memphis.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) Nashville.

11. What is the tattoo of that Dellarobia sees on the college-aged kid's ankle in Chapter 11?
(a) An antelope.
(b) A butterfly.
(c) Barbed wire.
(d) A rabbit.

12. Where do Cub and Dellarobia go to eat in Chapter 13?
(a) Dairy King.
(b) Dairy Prince.
(c) McDonald's.
(d) Dairy Queen.

13. What are the reddish-brown sheep of Hester's called?
(a) Southdowns.
(b) Moorits.
(c) Suffolks.
(d) Merinos.

14. To what does Cub compare the work of the scientists in Chapter 10?
(a) Selling.
(b) Baking.
(c) Banking.
(d) Farming.

15. On what day does Chapter 13 begin?
(a) March 4.
(b) May 23.
(c) June 3.
(d) February 2.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what day of the week are Hester and Dellarobia vaccinating the ewes in Chapter 12?

2. Where did Juliet grow up?

3. Who is the mayor of Feathertown?

4. Under normal circumstances, when are the butterflies expected to leave their winter roost?

5. Who watches Dellarobia's children while Dellarobia works at the lab?

(see the answer keys)

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