Flaubert's Parrot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flaubert's Parrot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Louise say Flaubert feared her?
(a) Because she might blackmail him.
(b) Because she understood him.
(c) Because she could ruin his reputation.
(d) Because she had hidden his love notes.

2. What does Geoffrey wonder about the books that authors don't write?
(a) He wonders if they matter.
(b) He wonders what the world is missing out on.
(c) He wonders if they haunt the authors who thought of the ideas.
(d) He wonders if they get written by someone else.

3. Which of the following, in Flaubert's "Over Strand and Field," does he say he doesn't laugh at?
(a) Professors of literature.
(b) Gendarmes.
(c) Painters.
(d) Attorneys.

4. Who was known as Flaubert's second mother?
(a) George Sand.
(b) Louise Colet.
(c) Caroline Flaubert.
(d) Elisa Schlessinger.

5. In his letters, what did Flaubert often write to Louise about?
(a) His mother.
(b) His new works.
(c) Her beauty.
(d) Her upcoming visits.

6. Geoffrey says that you cannot change humanity, you can only what?
(a) Participate in it.
(b) Pray for it.
(c) Decry it.
(d) Know it.

7. While traveling on the train to Rouen, what does Geoffrey notice about the signs?
(a) The information on the signs is out of date.
(b) Some of the signs have been posted upside-down.
(c) Words on the signs have been blacked out.
(d) The signs are printed in multiple languages.

8. Where did Louise and Flaubert meet?
(a) At the park in Rouen.
(b) At a scuptor's studio.
(c) On a train.
(d) Aboard ship.

9. In the geographical part of Geoffrey's examination, what comment does he make about the region in which Flaubert lived?
(a) That the air was much too dry in the region.
(b) That the region contributed to the slowness of Flaubert's work.
(c) That the region has produced an inordinate number of writers.
(d) That Flaubert struggled to move out of the region.

10. How was Achille related to Flaubert?
(a) He was Flaubert's brother-in-law.
(b) He was Flaubert's father.
(c) They were brothers.
(d) He was Flauert's son.

11. Why did Louise say that she did not need Flaubert in her life?
(a) Because she was married.
(b) Because he was too old for her.
(c) Because she was famous.
(d) Because she didn't like men.

12. How long did it take Flaubert to write a novel?
(a) A few months.
(b) Five to seven years.
(c) One year.
(d) Ten years.

13. Who is defined as Flaubert's jailer?
(a) Louise Colet.
(b) Flaubert's mother.
(c) Maxime du Camp.
(d) Flaubert's doctor.

14. Why did Flaubert give up his interest in the story of Mycerinus and his sarcophagus?
(a) Flaubert found the story too troubling.
(b) The mummy was stolen from the museum.
(c) The mummified body he was interested may not have been Mycerinus.
(d) Flaubert had too many other projects going at the time.

15. At Croisset, what was on the site of what was Flaubert's home?
(a) A shoe factory.
(b) A paper factory.
(c) A refinery.
(d) A cotton mill.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Geoffrey want to know about his wife?

2. Who always met Flaubert when he returned to Rouen from Mantes?

3. What did Flaubert think should accompany scientific advances?

4. What was the subject of the metaphysical novel Flaubert made plans to write?

5. What monumental decision did Geoffrey make about Ellen?

(see the answer keys)

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