Flaubert's Parrot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flaubert's Parrot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Flaubert was born in what year?
(a) 1875.
(b) 1825.
(c) 1800.
(d) 1850.

2. In the newspaper article Flaubert saved, what was the parrot trained to say?
(a) Quotes from Shakespeare.
(b) Curses.
(c) The days of the week.
(d) The name of its owner's lost love.

3. Who does Flaubert feel he will be tied to until one of them dies?
(a) Elisa Schlesinger.
(b) Louise Colet.
(c) His sister.
(d) His mother.

4. Flaubert, who didn't believe in progress, thought that democracy made people what?
(a) Unhappy.
(b) Stupid.
(c) Territorial.
(d) Dependent on government.

5. The dates in the second list of the chronology include those associated with what?
(a) The influence of politics on Flaubert's life.
(b) The deaths and failures in Flaubert's life.
(c) Flaubert's works.
(d) Flaubert's childhood.

6. What mistake did Enid Starkie make when she published her biography of Flaubert?
(a) She used a portrait on her first volume about Flaubert that wasn't him.
(b) She left out the entire story of "Un couer simple" from her manuscript.
(c) She said that Flaubert's mother forbid him to become a writer.
(d) She said that Flaubert never had a mistress.

7. What was the name of the greyhound that was Flaubert's final companion?
(a) Julio.
(b) Elisa.
(c) Loulou.
(d) Madame Bovary.

8. How many letters did Ed get from the woman named Kent?
(a) Hundreds.
(b) About 75.
(c) Two.
(d) About a dozen.

9. After her parrot dies, what does Felicite do?
(a) She has him stuffed and prays to him.
(b) She buys another parrot.
(c) She has his photograph taken.
(d) She buries him and buys a headstone.

10. What is Geoffrey's attitude when making his final explanation about why he hates critics?
(a) He forgives those critics who have misjudged his work.
(b) He is filled with rage.
(c) He says he would abolish critics if he had the power to do so.
(d) He is determined to be understanding.

11. Geoffrey compares biographies to what objects?
(a) Photographs.
(b) Nets.
(c) Trains.
(d) Desks.

12. What did the greyhound and Flaubert have in common?
(a) They were both ill at the same time.
(b) They were both orphans.
(c) They both loved wine.
(d) They were both demanding.

13. How did Flaubert first come to know Juliet Herbert?
(a) She was his sister-in-law.
(b) She was his mother's maid.
(c) He met her at church.
(d) She was governess to Flaubert's niece.

14. What color are Madame Bovary's eyes, according to Geoffrey who says that they may be changed in appearance by the light?
(a) Green.
(b) Blue.
(c) Grey.
(d) Brown.

15. What was the unusual characteristic of the sheep whose owner Flaubert took to dinner?
(a) It had five legs.
(b) It had a human-like face.
(c) It was blind.
(d) It bleated with a melody-like sound.

Short Answer Questions

1. As a student, what subject did Flaubert fail at?

2. Who was Loulou?

3. What mistake did the professor from Cambridge point out in a Tennyson work?

4. What does Geoffrey ask Ed about the content of the letters?

5. Geoffrey maintains that mistakes like the professor pointed out in his speech are external mistakes, but Geoffrey is more concerned with internal mistakes which he considers to be what?

(see the answer keys)

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