Flaubert's Parrot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flaubert's Parrot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 12, Braithwaite's Dictionary of Accepted Ideas.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What mistake in "The Lord of the Flies" does the professor from Cambridge talk about?
(a) Piggy's glasses are for shortsightedness and could not have lit the fire.
(b) Ralph dreams of a place he has never been and calls it home.
(c) No one thought of fishing, yet the boys ate fish.
(d) The boys come to the island on an obsolete aircraft.

2. What is Geoffrey's response to the accusation that Flaubert was a pessimist?
(a) He says that he didn't know one had to defend authors for being pessimists.
(b) He gives a list of Flaubert's optimistic quotes.
(c) He explains why Flaubert was actually an optimist.
(d) He says that people don't understand the satire in Flaubert's novels.

3. To what does Geoffrey compare a work of art?
(a) An honest man.
(b) A solution to a difficult problem.
(c) A troubled mind.
(d) A pyramid in the desert.

4. What did the greyhound and Flaubert have in common?
(a) They were both ill at the same time.
(b) They both loved wine.
(c) They were both orphans.
(d) They were both demanding.

5. Why did Flaubert give up his interest in the story of Mycerinus and his sarcophagus?
(a) Flaubert had too many other projects going at the time.
(b) The mummified body he was interested may not have been Mycerinus.
(c) The mummy was stolen from the museum.
(d) Flaubert found the story too troubling.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Geoffrey's thoughts about when he likes to cross the channel?

2. What does Geoffrey see at the second Flaubert museum?

3. When they were lowering Caroline's coffin into the ground, what happened?

4. Who was Loulou?

5. Why did Louise say that she did not need Flaubert in her life?

(see the answer key)

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