Flaubert's Parrot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flaubert's Parrot Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10, The Case Against.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Geoffrey wonder about the books that authors don't write?
(a) He wonders if they haunt the authors who thought of the ideas.
(b) He wonders what the world is missing out on.
(c) He wonders if they get written by someone else.
(d) He wonders if they matter.

2. Why did Flaubert give up his interest in the story of Mycerinus and his sarcophagus?
(a) The mummy was stolen from the museum.
(b) The mummified body he was interested may not have been Mycerinus.
(c) Flaubert found the story too troubling.
(d) Flaubert had too many other projects going at the time.

3. What did Ed originally intend to do with the letters?
(a) Donate them to the Flaubert museum.
(b) Keep them for his collection.
(c) Give them to Geoffrey.
(d) Sell them.

4. According to Du Camp, on whom was Madame Bovary modeled?
(a) Flaubert's cousin.
(b) Flaubert's first mistress.
(c) The second wife of a medical officer.
(d) The village seamstress of Rouen.

5. What is the difference in time for the trip to Rouen by train for Geoffrey than it was in Flaubert's time?
(a) The trip takes much longer because of all the stops.
(b) The trip takes about half the time.
(c) Geoffrey wonders about the difference, but doesn't know the answer.
(d) The trip takes about the same amount of time.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what way is Felicite completely different from Flaubert?

2. What happened to the letters?

3. What mistake did Enid Starkie make when she published her biography of Flaubert?

4. What was the attitude toward Flaubert of the Collier sisters who Flaubert met when he spent his summers in Trouville?

5. For what reason was Flaubert confined to the family home as a young man?

(see the answer key)

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