Flashman at the Charge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman at the Charge Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the danger that East heard?
(a) The crying of a woman.
(b) The cry of wolves.
(c) The shooting of guns.
(d) Distant hoof beats.

2. Flashman goes snooping through East's writings and discovers a long letter to whom?
(a) Valla.
(b) Tom Brown.
(c) Lord Raglan.
(d) Lord Cardigan.

3. What does East do to Flashman when their escape fails?
(a) East abandon's him underneath the overturned sled.
(b) East decides to stay and fight with his commrade.
(c) East runs away in fear.
(d) East miraculously lifts the sled off Flashman and they escape.

4. Why does Scud invite Flashman outside to go for a walk to talk?
(a) Because Scud feels like some exercise.
(b) Because the house is stuffy and warm.
(c) Because there are "speaking tubes" in each of their rooms.
(d) Because he is afraid of Flashman and didn't want to be alone with him.

5. Where is Count Ignatieff eventually taking Flashman?
(a) Back to Starotosk.
(b) To England.
(c) To India.
(d) To Crimea.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once they arrive in Syr Daria, where is Flashman placed?

2. Where is Flashman caught geographically after his escape from Starovosk?

3. What does Flashman admire about Count Pencherjevsky?

4. What is Flashman doing when East alerts him to danger during their escape?

5. What does Kutebar say that a word of thanks between warriors should be?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how Flashman and East end up taking Valla with them on their escape.

2. Describe why Flashman feels comforted by the desert.

3. Describe the incident when Flashman first sees how the Pencherjevsky family treats their serfs as sub-human.

4. Explain why Flashman called Yakub Beg and his companion Panthans.

5. Describe the dream the Flashman had the second night he was in the cell.

6. Describe how Flashman sees his arrival in India going in Chapter 10.

7. How does Flashman describe the landscape as they escape in Chapter 7?

8. Why does Scud East avoid family dinners with Count Pencherjevsky and his family?

9. How does Flashman describe the passage through the Arabian Nights?

10. How does Flashman eventually get caught? What happens to Scud East?

(see the answer keys)

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