Flashman at the Charge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman at the Charge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Count Ignatieff warn Flashman not to expect any mercy from them?
(a) Because Flashman is too cowardly for mercy.
(b) Because Flashman broke his promise and tried to escape.
(c) Because they don't believe in mercy.
(d) Because Counter Pencherjevsky is too nice to Flashman.

2. What does Flashman admire about Count Pencherjevsky?
(a) His taste for fine things.
(b) His brutish manner.
(c) His record as a solider.
(d) His treatment of the serfs.

3. Who is the Silk One's constant companion?
(a) Harry Flashman.
(b) She doesn't have a companion.
(c) Yakub Beg.
(d) A little Persian kitten.

4. Why is the peasant uprising opportune for East and Flashman?
(a) Because Flashman hasn't impreganted Valla.
(b) Because they are both getting very bored in Russia.
(c) Because they need to escape to pass on information.
(d) Because Flashman has impregnated Valla.

5. Why is Flashman sure that Afghanistan will side with the Russians?
(a) He didn't know, but he was hoping the Afghans would side with the British.
(b) Because the Britishwere in a war with Afghanistan some 15 year prior.
(c) Because Afghanistan and Russia formed a secret alliance.
(d) Because the Russians were treating the Afghans better than the British.

6. What fate awaits Flashman when he is captured after his escape attempt?
(a) Stoning.
(b) Knouting.
(c) Flogging.
(d) Hanging.

7. What does East give Valla to make sure she sleeps for the majority of the ride?
(a) Tylenol PM.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Brandy.
(d) Laudanum.

8. What does Flashman imagine he will be touted once he's able to get the news to his commanders about the Russian Invasion?
(a) The Saviour of England.
(b) The Russian Rogue.
(c) The Saviour of the Queen.
(d) The Saviour of India.

9. What is Item 7?
(a) A new carriage that Count Pencherjevsky wants to buy for Valla.
(b) A 30,000-man Russian invasion of Northern India.
(c) A planned Russian invasion of Britain.
(d) A planned Russian retreat in Crimea.

10. What is the scene that Flashman encounters when he is placed in the cell with two men?
(a) One man hanging from all for limbs and another underneath him trying to hold him up.
(b) Both men are pased out on the cell floor.
(c) A terrible smell of the two men who haven't bathed.
(d) Flashman passes out when he reaches the cell.

11. What does Kutebar say that a word of thanks between warriors should be?
(a) Like a heartbeat, hardly heard.
(b) Saying thank you is an insult.
(c) Like a hoofbeat, loudly uttered.
(d) Not said at all.

12. What is the name of the man that Flashman relieves when he arrives in the cell?
(a) Flashman can't understand his name.
(b) The Silk One
(c) Izzat Kutebar
(d) Yakub Beg

13. What language do the two other prisoners speak, and how does Flashman know?
(a) They speak English.
(b) They speak Russian, which Flashman understands perfectly.
(c) They speak French, which Flashman understands perfectly.
(d) They speak Persian, which Flashman understands perfectly.

14. Yakub Beg tells Flashman that he is the first foreigner to what?
(a) Sit at the circle with them.
(b) Infiltrate their Oasis.
(c) Help them fight.
(d) Save his life.

15. Who of Flashman's captors is the most vile?
(a) Scud East.
(b) Count Pencherjevsky.
(c) Aunt Sara.
(d) Count Ignatieff.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who puts Valla in Flashman's care during the peasant uprising?

2. Where is Count Ignatieff eventually taking Flashman?

3. Why does Flashman feel he would have been more qualified to deliver the message to Lord Raglan?

4. When the Russians surround Flashman, what does he say he is waiting for?

5. What does Count Pencherjevsky believe is the main reason for serf uprisings?

(see the answer keys)

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