Flashman at the Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman at the Charge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the second message, how does Raglan order Lucan to behave?
(a) However he feels is appropriate.
(b) Full attack.
(c) Defensively and with good judgment.
(d) Offesnively and with good judgment.

2. Who does Elspeth attend a dance with in May?
(a) Flashy.
(b) Lord Cardigan.
(c) Prince William.
(d) Marjorie.

3. What does Raglan do with Flashman after the tragedy?
(a) He sends Flashman home.
(b) He allows Flashman to stay on his staff.
(c) He stops speaking to Flashman.
(d) He banishes Flashman to Russia.

4. How does Flashman describe the Russian soldiers?
(a) Ordinary, but good company.
(b) Dull and ordinary.
(c) Small and fast.
(d) Big and brave.

5. How close is the Russian charge before Campbell finally allows his troops to fire?
(a) 200 yards away.
(b) At least a mile.
(c) 50 yards away.
(d) 100 yards away.

6. As a prisoner of war, how is Flashman treated?
(a) Extremely well; almost like an honored guest.
(b) He isn't taken as a prisoner of war.
(c) The Russians just pretend that he doesn't exist.
(d) Very poorly.

7. At Marjorie's party in Chapter 2, what does Flashman stumble upon Elspeth and Lord Cardigan doing?
(a) Dancing together.
(b) About to be intimate.
(c) Shopping together.
(d) Riding together on Lord Cardigan's horse.

8. After Flashman lets Willy make the second command, what does Willy do?
(a) He gets off his horse and tries to leave the battle.
(b) He freezes in fear at the Russian forces.
(c) He gallops away, back towards the shore.
(d) He gallops off towards the Russians.

9. How does Flashman describe the Russian civil servants?
(a) As a bad lot who were pompous and stupid.
(b) As very nice, but stupid.
(c) As stoic goverment servants.
(d) As genial drunks.

10. What diseases are both the British and the Russian armies suffering from?
(a) The common cold and the Black Plague.
(b) The Flu and Polio.
(c) Dysentary and Cholera.
(d) Small Pox and Measles.

11. What does Billy Russell tell Flashman will happen "in a day or so"?
(a) That they'll get to go home.
(b) That Lord Raglan won't hold a grudge against Flashman for Prince Williams death.
(c) That Flashman will be kicked out of the army for allowing Willy to die.
(d) That the war will be over.

12. What has Flashman clearly been trying to avoid?
(a) Lord Raglan.
(b) Lord Cardigan.
(c) An active role in the Crimean War.
(d) A dull and pointelss life.

13. What new post does Lord Raglan give to Flashman?
(a) He sends Flashman to the front line.
(b) To supervise Prince William of Celle while he is studying in London.
(c) He makes Flashman his personal assistant.
(d) He doesn't give him a new post; he just tells him to work harder.

14. In Chapter 1, what does Flashman catch Lord Cardigan and his wife, Elspeth, doing?
(a) Swimming.
(b) Playing pool.
(c) Having a picnic.
(d) Riding.

15. What happens to Willy after he charges the Russians?
(a) He almost gets Flashman killed.
(b) He is touted as a hero.
(c) He is killed.
(d) He is wounded.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Prince William fall in love with?

2. Why does Flashman dislike Lord Cardigan?

3. What does every traveler have to show while traveling in Russia?

4. What word does Flashman search for as he lies on the ground waiting for Russian swords to pierce him?

5. Why is Flashman worried about how well Prince William is performing his army duties?

(see the answer keys)

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