Flashman and the Redskins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman and the Redskins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1 The Forty-Niner, pgs. 109-148.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Flashman learn about the group that rebelled?
(a) They got lost, but made it back to Council Grove.
(b) No one knows what happened to them.
(c) They made it safely to Santa Fe already.
(d) They perished on the Cimarron Road.

2. What name does Peter Omohundro call Flashman?
(a) Prescott.
(b) Beauchamp Comber.
(c) Harry Flashman.
(d) Captain Spring.

3. What does Flashman show the men that he is arguing with?
(a) A pound with the Queen's picture on it.
(b) A scar that he got while in a bar fight.
(c) A place on his head where he was "scalped" by a Native American.
(d) A tattoo of the British flag.

4. How does Nugent-Hare consider getting even with Flashman?
(a) He considers killing him and making it look like an accident.
(b) He considers injuring him.
(c) He considers going back to Susie and taking over as man of the house.
(d) He considers telling Susie who the real Flashman is.

5. At Fort Mann, what sickness are the Native American's suffering from?
(a) Malaria.
(b) Food poisoning.
(c) Small Pox.
(d) Cholera.

Short Answer Questions

1. What language does Flashman begin to learn while riding with Wootton?

2. As Flashman and Wootton are eating buffalo, what frightens Flashman?

3. Which of Susie's girls does Flashman notice in particular?

4. When asked if he condoned Washington's treatment of the American Indian, how does Flashman reply?

5. Who gets Flashman the job with Captain Spring?

(see the answer key)

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