Flashback: A Brief History of Film Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Louis Giannetti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashback: A Brief History of Film Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Louis Giannetti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the only restrictions placed on directors in the 1920s?
(a) They had to work subliminal advertising into their films.
(b) They had to stay within their budget.
(c) They could only use one "star" at a time.
(d) They were not allowed to take a bigger cut of the movie's profits than the actors.

2. As studios struggled to find the balance between pragmatism and idealism in the early decades of the Golden Age, which of the following people was not one of the great directors to innovate filmmaking in this period?
(a) Frank Capra.
(b) Max von Manderling.
(c) Ernst Lubitsch.
(d) John Ford.

3. What was Charlie Chaplin's film persona?
(a) The ladies' man.
(b) The tramp.
(c) The baby.
(d) The swashbuckler.

4. What editor displayed the emotional impact of crowd scenes on film?
(a) F.W. Murnau.
(b) Fritz Lang.
(c) Lev Kulshov.
(d) Sergei Einstein.

5. In what era did early film begin to primarily grow?
(a) Golden Era.
(b) Silent Era.
(c) Nickelodean Era.
(d) Moving Era.

6. What early realization helped films develop both special effects and story lines?
(a) Reels could be cut together.
(b) Cameras could be operated by one man.
(c) The films should be longer.
(d) Filming the weather was not intriguing enough for audiences.

7. Which of the following words can be used to describe the films that were produced during the early years of the Golden Age?
(a) Socially aware.
(b) Experimental.
(c) Formulaic.
(d) Expressive.

8. What was one reason comedy shorts became so popular in the 1920s?
(a) The stories were presented in serial format.
(b) The actors all had scandalous lives.
(c) The audiences did not need to follow a plot.
(d) The tabloid era had begun.

9. What film helped open up the world to the power of British filmmaking in the 1930s?
(a) "The Once and Future King."
(b) "Rebecca."
(c) "Strangers on a Train."
(d) "The Private Life of Henry VIII."

10. What event in America caused studios to realize that the movie-going public needed entertainment over grim realism?
(a) World War I.
(b) The Great Depression.
(c) Prohibition.
(d) World War II.

11. Through what did Jean Louis Meissonier project Muybridge's work?
(a) Rear projector.
(b) Rotoscope.
(c) Glass lantern.
(d) Zoetrope.

12. What was the standard amount of time devoted to creating a picture during David Wark Griffith's development of film?
(a) One year.
(b) One day.
(c) One month.
(d) One week.

13. What technological breakthrough hurt the film industry in America?
(a) Telegraph.
(b) Television.
(c) Radio.
(d) Telephone.

14. When American films began to include sound (particularly dialogue), what sound effect uncomfortably highlighted the violence in most movies?
(a) Screams.
(b) Machine guns.
(c) Stabs.
(d) Cannons.

15. What was Harold Lloyd's trademark?
(a) Dance.
(b) Glasses.
(c) Hat.
(d) Laugh.

Short Answer Questions

1. During World War II, which director became known for his films that examined sex, greed, and the inherent sadism of humans?

2. Why did the independent filmmakers head for California while the Patent Company existed?

3. With what film technique did European filmmakers begin experimenting?

4. What aspect of the newly-heard dialogue in the Golden Age made audiences uneasy?

5. Which company became renowned for their animation in the early years of World War II?

(see the answer keys)

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