Five Feet Apart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachael Lippincott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Five Feet Apart Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachael Lippincott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While having lunch with her mother in Chapter 9, what does Stella feel the weight of?
(a) Her disappointment.
(b) Her parents' divorce.
(c) Her AffloVest.
(d) Her disease.

2. According to Will in Chapter 14, when did his father leave?
(a) After his wife cheated on him.
(b) Before Will's CF could affect him.
(c) Before Will was born.
(d) After Will started high school.

3. What effect are Stella and Poe having on Will in Chapter 12?
(a) They are making him want to leave the hospital.
(b) They are making him want a lung transplant.
(c) They are making him want to give up.
(d) They are making him want to fight for more time.

4. In Chapter 14, Barb tells Will the story of two teens named what?
(a) Trevor and Amy.
(b) Thomas and Anna.
(c) Trey and Audrey.
(d) Timothy and Ashley.

5. Why does Dr. Hamid inform Stella in Chapter 11 that she will need surgery?
(a) To remove the infected skin surrounding her G-tube.
(b) To repair a hole in her lung.
(c) To insert a breathing tube.
(d) To give her a new pair of lungs.

6. As Chapter 7 opens, what has Will managed to secure for himself?
(a) His own medicine cart.
(b) A bus pass.
(c) A new pair of lungs.
(d) Freedom.

7. In Chapter 4, how does Will's mother feel about Will's state of mind?
(a) Happy.
(b) Depressed.
(c) Exaperated.
(d) Thrilled.

8. Will is part of a trial for a new drug named what?
(a) Kalydeco.
(b) Pulmozyme.
(c) Orkambi.
(d) Cevaflomalin.

9. According to his conversation with Will in Chapter 12, when was the last time Poe saw his family?
(a) 6 months ago.
(b) 5 years ago.
(c) 2 years ago.
(d) 1 year ago.

10. At the end of the third chapter, alarms sound when what happens?
(a) Will falls in his room.
(b) Poe goes into cardiac arrest.
(c) Stella begins to hyperventilate.
(d) Poe's oxygen monitor comes unplugged.

11. What antibiotic-resistant infection did Will develop eight months earlier?
(a) Streptococcus.
(b) Staphylococcus.
(c) B. cepacia.
(d) E. coli.

12. In Chapter 5, how does Stella feel about Will's risky behavior?
(a) It confuses her.
(b) It angers her.
(c) It pleases her.
(d) It makes her sad.

13. Who is Julie?
(a) The ER nurse.
(b) The floor nurse.
(c) An x-ray technician.
(d) Stella's aunt.

14. Why are Stella's friends sad at the beginning of the novel?
(a) They have been forbidden from taking the trip to Cabo.
(b) Their trip to Cabo has been canceled.
(c) They cannot afford the trip to Cabo.
(d) Stella is missing the trip to Cabo.

15. In Chapter 4, what does Will's mother try to do that disgusts Will?
(a) Frighten Stella.
(b) Bribe Barb.
(c) Instruct Julie.
(d) Argue with Poe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon confronting Stella in Chapter 10, what information does Will learn about her?

2. Where does Will wait for Stella to get out of surgery in Chapter 14?

3. As Will tells Stella in Chapter 10, why does he prefer his favorite kind of drawing style?

4. When alone in her room in Chapter 9, Stella watches an old video of what?

5. What does Stella do with Will following lunch with her mother in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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