Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many women from the infirmary had the task of carrying corpses from the hospital to the morgue?
(a) Six.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

2. According to the author, how many corpses were burned each day at Bireknau between the crematory ovens and the death pits?
(a) Over 8,000.
(b) About 24,000.
(c) 360,000.
(d) 17,280.

3. What plan did Olga and her colleagues in the infirmary devise in order to save pregnant mothers?
(a) They killed the babies before they cried and passed them off as stillborn.
(b) They hid the mothers and their babies after birth.
(c) They found a sympathetic officer who sneaked the babies out of the camp and into nearby orphanages.
(d) They sneaked the mother out of camp before she gave birth.

4. How many of the crematory buildings were destroyed in the explosion that the resistance set off?
(a) All four buildings.
(b) Only one of the four.
(c) Two out of the four.
(d) Three out of the four.

5. Why did L. insist that Olga give out all of the news that he delivered to her?
(a) He needed to confuse the Nazis.
(b) Olga would then become more important to the S.S. guards.
(c) He wanted to be sure that he could depend on her.
(d) The internees needed it to keep up their morale.

6. What did the Nazis do with all of the documents they removed from the "political bureau"?
(a) They threw them into boxes and then into the back of a truck.
(b) They burned them.
(c) They dumped them into the latrine.
(d) They loaded them into briefcases and locked the latches.

7. How many women were in the march that left from Birkenau with Olga?
(a) Two thousand.
(b) Six thousand.
(c) Ten thousand.
(d) Fifteen thousand.

8. How many women were saved from death on the day that Dr. Klein sent them out of the washroom?
(a) Thirty-one.
(b) Fifty-four.
(c) Forty-two.
(d) Seventy-six.

9. One day in June of 1944, where did Irma Griese send the 315 women who were "selected"?
(a) Directly to the crematory.
(b) Out of the camp on a work detail.
(c) Into a washroom, where they were locked in.
(d) Into the woods to be shot.

10. Where did the prisoners hide their "pinklys" during roll call?
(a) In their blouses.
(b) Beneath their skirts.
(c) Under their mattresses.
(d) Under a loose floor board.

11. How did Olga get across the icy river to reach the safe village?
(a) A farmer offered to carry her across on his boat.
(b) She crossed a treacherous bridge.
(c) She found an abandoned raft and rowed across.
(d) She swam.

12. How old was Irma Griese?
(a) Twenty-two.
(b) Thrity.
(c) Forty-two.
(d) Twenty-seven.

13. What did Irma Griese forbid Olga to do?
(a) To speak to any other inmate about their meeting.
(b) To accompany Dr. Klein on his rounds.
(c) To look at her in the eye.
(d) To return to the infirmary.

14. Through the underground, Olga discovered that her husband was working where?
(a) In the crematory.
(b) In "Canada."
(c) In the camp at Buna.
(d) In the hospital at Belsen.

15. What did Olga and her bunk mates have for a "farewell supper" when she left Block 26 to go to Block 13?
(a) Potatoes stolen from the kitchen.
(b) They shared an apple.
(c) Toothpaste spread on bread.
(d) Margarine and stale bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the Germans decide to exterminate the remaining children in the camp?

2. Where did Olga and the other women get bread for their journey?

3. How did Olga escape from the rope that bound her to the cart?

4. What surprised Olga about the four men in sports clothes that she saw at the train station?

5. What was distributed to internees as they entered the gas chamber that helped to convince them that they were actually headed for the showers?

(see the answer keys)

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