The First Man in Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The First Man in Rome Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marius recognize as being important to a military man?
(a) Gold.
(b) Skill.
(c) Good men.
(d) Luck.

2. Which of his skills does Marius find out are not very strong?
(a) Electoral.
(b) Military.
(c) Personal.
(d) Political.

3. What does the Senate do for Marius in absentia?
(a) Name him Ponitfex Maximus.
(b) Make him a Senator.
(c) Enter his name into the consular election.
(d) Give him charage of Caepio's army.

4. Which of the following characters is the newly elected consul?
(a) Bocchus.
(b) Sulla.
(c) Caepio.
(d) Publius.

5. What does Marius seem to seek out?
(a) Money and treasure.
(b) Fame and distinction.
(c) Warmth and a place in higher society.
(d) Support and acceptance.

6. What happens to the men who killed the leaders of the coup?
(a) Marius pardons them.
(b) They are killed.
(c) They are exiled.
(d) They receive a triumph.

7. Which of the following is not part of Caepio's punishment after he is convicted?
(a) 15,000 talents penalty.
(b) Flogging.
(c) Exile from Rome.
(d) Stripping of his Roman citizenship.

8. What does Caepio find when he arrives in Gaul?
(a) Most of the Germans residing there have already left.
(b) He needs to travel even farther to be successful.
(c) The Germans are already engaged in another battle.
(d) All of the Germans were killed by the natives to this region.

9. How many times has Marius been elected consul?
(a) 8.
(b) 5.
(c) 6.
(d) 3.

10. Why did King Bocchus leave according to Volux?
(a) Because he is searching for Jugurtha.
(b) Because Jugurtha heard of Sulla's visit.
(c) Because he does not trust Sulla.
(d) Because he was warned Marius wanted him dead.

11. How long does it take Marius's army to defeat the entire Cimbri army?
(a) One year.
(b) One day.
(c) One afternoon.
(d) One week.

12. What does Marius believe will be of greater incentive to the head-count army?
(a) Positions in the Senate.
(b) Land in Africa.
(c) Additional funds.
(d) Awards and medals.

13. Which of the following characters beats a senator to death for ripping off his toga?
(a) Marius.
(b) Saturninus.
(c) Metellus.
(d) Glaucia.

14. What is Mallius charged with?
(a) Going to Africa and bringing back Marius.
(b) A role within Caepio's army.
(c) Delivering messages from the senate.
(d) A head count army to head off the Germans.

15. What information does Marius share with the crowd that makes everyone happy?
(a) He has prevented the coup.
(b) He has a new supply of grain which will be sold at low prices.
(c) He will renounce his dictatorship.
(d) He will be the First Man in Rome.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Caepio and his son race back to Rome after the battle?

2. Why does Marius ensure that his position is heavily fortified?

3. Who sneaks in to kill the leaders of the coup?

4. What information does the prince who returns with Sulla share with Marius?

5. Why does Marius have his men repair roads and bridges when he arrives in Gaul?

(see the answer keys)

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