First, Do No Harm Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Belkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

First, Do No Harm Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa Belkin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many members are on the ethics committee at Hermann?
(a) Twelve.
(b) Five.
(c) Twenty-three.
(d) Seventeen.

2. Who is Fran's obstetrician?
(a) Sharon Crandell.
(b) Eugene Adcock.
(c) Jane Reed.
(d) Sally Olsen.

3. Why are the hospital staff concerned about Armando's care?
(a) They are unsure if they can provide the quality of care that he needs.
(b) They need special equipment to be able to care for him.
(c) With no prospect of recovery, they're not sure the cost of his care can be justified.
(d) They are not certain that their doctors are experienced enough to handle his case.

4. How often do patients' families follow the advice of the ethics committee?
(a) Rarely.
(b) Always.
(c) Usually.
(d) Never.

5. How do Fran and Carey feel about Taylor's new doctor?
(a) They connect much better.
(b) They dislike him/her as much as they disliked Sharon.
(c) They don't really care either way.
(d) They want Sharon back.

6. What system in Patrick's body is affected by his disease?
(a) His central nervous system.
(b) His digestive tract.
(c) His circulatory system.
(d) His immune system.

7. What happens to Patrick's line, as a result of his tampering?
(a) Nothing, but the hospital staff are angry with him.
(b) It gets increasingly infected, and needs to be replaced.
(c) It is disconnected, and they try to find another way to deliver his medications.
(d) It breaks, and he goes into cardiac arrest.

8. What does Sally claim to be able to do?
(a) Speak to the ghosts of her deceased patients.
(b) Establish relationships that get patients to confide in her.
(c) Diagnose patients just by looking at them.
(d) Anticipate the deaths of her patients.

9. What does David attempt to explain to Armando's family at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) That he needs their signature on the consent form to do surgery on Armando.
(b) They have to go to another hospital because Armando is uninsured.
(c) That his chances of survival are slim.
(d) That Armando will never walk again.

10. How old is Patrick Dismuke?
(a) Seven.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Fifteen.

11. How does Sharon react to discussing Taylor's treatment?
(a) She is warm and caring when answering the Poarchs' questions.
(b) She is resistant to discussing it.
(c) She gets emotional, and has difficulty answering the Poarchs' questions.
(d) She refuses to discuss it.

12. Who are the people at the meeting in Chapter 3?
(a) Financial administrators at the hospital.
(b) People who know Patrick best.
(c) Specialists who are consulting about Patrick's treatment.
(d) Renowned pediatricians from other hospitals.

13. What is wrong with Taylor and Jake?
(a) Their lungs are underdeveloped.
(b) They are conjoined.
(c) They have a genetic disorder.
(d) They have a congenital birth defect.

14. What do the doctors have to do to Taylor and Jake?
(a) Give them antibiotics.
(b) Put them into detox.
(c) Put them on a ventilator.
(d) Give them steroids.

15. What does Fran's obstetrician do for her at her last check-up?
(a) She gives Fran drugs, and sends her home.
(b) She tells Fran not to worry, the problem is not as serious as she thinks.
(c) She recommends a Caesarian section.
(d) She admits her to the hospital for observation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Teresa's profession?

2. How does Patrick feel about the hospital?

3. What happens to Jake?

4. What does the hospital do for Fran?

5. What happened to Armando?

(see the answer keys)

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