Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Alysanne give birth to a daughter?
(a) 5 moon of 53 AC.
(b) 2nd moon of 53 AC.
(c) 7th moon of 53 AC.
(d) 9th moon of 53 AC.

2. What was Rhaena sometimes called in 50 AC?
(a) Queen of the North.
(b) Queen of the South.
(c) Queen of the East.
(d) Queen of the West.

3. How many years of exile were Ser Orryn and the men who went with him to Oldtown sentenced to serve?
(a) 10.
(b) 8.
(c) 5.
(d) 12.

4. How old was Rhaena when she married Androw Farman?
(a) 26.
(b) 31.
(c) 33.
(d) 24.

5. How many knights of the Kingsguard arrived three days before King Jaehaerys returned to King's Landing in "A Time of Testing"?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

6. Where did Rhaena go first when looking for Aerea?
(a) Crakehall.
(b) Highgarden.
(c) Oldtown.
(d) Casterly Rock.

7. How many men were in the army of Mern IX of House Gardener and Loren I Lannister?
(a) 23,000.
(b) 55,000.
(c) 48,000.
(d) 62,000.

8. Who did Alysanne make the first court singer?
(a) Peter the Strummer.
(b) Walt the Strummer.
(c) Tom the Strummer.
(d) Bart the Strummer.

9. How old was Lord Marq when he died?
(a) 46.
(b) 64.
(c) 58.
(d) 51.

10. How old were Viserys and Jaehaerys when their father Aenys died?
(a) 12 and 7.
(b) 11 and 6.
(c) 13 and 8.
(d) 14 and 9.

11. How much older was Elissa Farman than her brother Androw?
(a) 3 years.
(b) 4 years.
(c) 6 years.
(d) 2 years.

12. How did Aegon the Conqueror die?
(a) Heart attack.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Stroke.
(d) Brain tumor.

13. When did Maegor take a second wife?
(a) 40 AC.
(b) 41 AC.
(c) 38 AC.
(d) 39 AC.

14. When did Septa Ysabel, Lady Lucinda, and the other women chosen for Alysanne Targaryen's household board the trading galley Wise Woman?
(a) 3rd day of the 3rd moon of 50 AC.
(b) 7th day of the second moon of 50 AC.
(c) 4th day of the second moon of 50 AC.
(d) 8th day of the 3rd moon of 50 AC.

15. When the Shivers came, how long had it been since that disease had been seen?
(a) A century.
(b) 50 years.
(c) 75 years.
(d) Four score years.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was Princess Daenerys when she died from the Shivers?

2. How much was the debt to the Iron Bank of Braavos cut after Septon Barth met with the Sealord?

3. When did Aegon Targaryen descend on the Iron Islands and take control of them?

4. How old was Alysanne when she played hostess during the preparations for her mother Alyssa's wedding?

5. During the battle at the Field of Fire, how many men did the Targaryens lose?

(see the answer keys)

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