Fingersmith Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Waters
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Fingersmith Test | Final Test - Medium

Sarah Waters
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the cold water plunge, what happens to Sue's memory?
(a) she asks for it again as a means to cool off
(b) she has hypothermia
(c) she kills herself
(d) she begins to believe she is Maud

2. Maud thinks in the boat: "We glide, softly," she says, "in silence, into our ________.
(a) "trip to Paradise."
(b) "new life of love."
(c) "own fulfilled dreams."
(d) "dark and separate hells."

3. What is the remedy for Sue's screaming in the asylum?
(a) removing her tongue
(b) the cold water plunge
(c) tying her to her bed
(d) a gag

4. What happens to Maud's diamond brooch?
(a) Mrs. Sucksby takes it
(b) Richard gives it to his sister
(c) she throws it away because it was fake
(d) Maud pawns it for money

5. Why does Maud find it difficult to look at Sue?
(a) because Sue is very homely
(b) because Maud is afraid of revealing the truth to Sue
(c) because Maud is tricking Sue
(d) because Maud is in love with Sue

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Sucksby do right after Marianne Lilly gives birth?

2. What does Richard say when Maud accuses him of planning to murder her?

3. What does Maud find so humorous when she observes Richard and Sue together?

4. Why do Maud and Mrs. Sucksby move towards Richard holding the knife?

5. About what does Maud daydream?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sue learn when she observes Lant house from across the street and how does she react to this information?

2. What changes Maud during the night after the outing and what does Maud do about it?

3. What story about Maud does Richard and Mrs. Sucksby reveal to Maud?

4. What does Maud do with the razor she stole from her uncle?

5. What does Sue say to Maud the first night she is in the bed with Maud and what is Maud's reaction?

6. How does Richard get Agnes out of the house?

7. How is Sue's experience at the insane asylum similar to that of Maud at her uncle's house?

8. Why does Richard suggest to Mr. Lilly that Richard teach Maud to paint?

9. How does Maud react to being at the house on Lant Street and how does Richard react to Maud's accusations?

10. What does Maud learn when she demands to know where she is when arriving at Mrs. Sucksby's house?

(see the answer keys)

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