Fingersmith Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Waters
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Fingersmith Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Waters
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Maud cuts the grass around _____________.
(a) the gate posts
(b) the cherry tree
(c) her mother's grave
(d) the rose bed

2. Mr. Ibbs is a ____________________.
(a) locksmith
(b) taxi cab driver
(c) college professor
(d) dairy farmer

3. What does Maud's uncle teach her?
(a) All about bindings, type fonts, paper, and ink
(b) how to set a proper table
(c) how to read and write Italian
(d) the financial aspect of the manor

4. Gentleman arrives at Mrs. Sucksby home with an idea to _____________.
(a) fence stolen goods more efficiently
(b) marry Sue and teach her how to embezzle
(c) blow up the London subway
(d) marry a wealthy girl and get her fortune.

5. When Sue awakens the first morning at Briar, she notices that ___________.
(a) Everyone is outside watching the Queen arrive.
(b) No one has reset the clock to daylight savings time.
(c) Coffee and doughnuts are on her bedside table.
(d) There is evidence of water damage on the ceilings and walls.

6. What is the main subject of the books in Maud's uncle's library?
(a) war and fighting
(b) pornography
(c) horses
(d) sailing

7. What color of gloves is worn by the gentleman who chooses to bring Maud to Briar?
(a) white
(b) he does not wear gloves
(c) red
(d) black

8. What happens when another servant sees Sue in Maud's dress?
(a) the servant asks for one of Maud's dresses
(b) the servant reports it to Maud's uncle
(c) the servant mistakes Sue for Maud
(d) the servant is jealous and throws ketchup on the dress

9. Why does Maud give Sue one of her dresses?
(a) Maud had ripped that dress and didn't want it
(b) Maud is tired of seeing Sue in the same dress all the time
(c) Maud wants Sue to look nice for the Gentleman
(d) Maud has too many dresses in her closet

10. What does Sue do that creates a wall between her and Maud?
(a) she steals a dress
(b) she kisses Richard in front of Maud
(c) she makes love to Maud supposedly to show Maud what to expect when married
(d) she tells Maud the plan to swindle Maud for her money

11. Of what are Maud's gloves symbolic?
(a) isolation
(b) purity
(c) virginity
(d) disease

12. How is Richard going to gain access to Maud's home?
(a) by pretending to be a workman
(b) by offering Mr. Lilly free pornography
(c) through a secret entrance in the basement
(d) obtain a job mounting Maud's uncle's artwork

13. Why does Richard Rivers come to Maud's room late at night?
(a) to tell her that he is her brother
(b) to tell her that there is a tornado coming
(c) to scheme with her about getting her mother's money
(d) to seduce her

14. What is Sue's main job at Briar?
(a) To read to Maud several hours each day.
(b) To sit awake all night and be ready to help Maud.
(c) To exercise Maud's horse.
(d) To cook and serve meals.

15. What does Mr. Lilly require Maud to wear?
(a) old-fashioned clothing
(b) a hat
(c) a retainer
(d) gloves

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Mr. Hawtrey and Mr. Huss have in common with Mr. Lilly?

2. The residents of the house where Sue is raised are ______________.

3. What does Maud do when the two of hearts falls on the floor?

4. Maud is ______________________when Sue goes in to her the next morning.

5. What proves that the marriage has been consummated?

(see the answer keys)

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