Fingerprints of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fingerprints of the Gods Test | Final Test - Easy

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 36, what did Hancock explore?
(a) Pyramids with unidentified, empty coffins.
(b) Pyramids with the coffins of peasants.
(c) Pyramids with coffins that have been looted.
(d) Pyramids with the coffins of specific pharaohs.

2. In Chapter 36, what is a belief mentioned about the tombs?
(a) They were built by peasants at the same time.
(b) They were built by peasants over almost a century.
(c) They were built by pharaohs at the same time.
(d) They were built by pharaohs over almost a century.

3. What is the Great Pyramid a scale model of?
(a) Earth's southern hemisphere.
(b) Earth's northern hemisphere.
(c) The northern sky.
(d) The southern sky.

4. How did Hancock view the lack of a site plan in Chapter 36?
(a) As evidence that the Egyptians were not an advanced culture.
(b) As an anomaly.
(c) As symbolic.
(d) As evidence of another culture's influence.

5. How much does the average block of the Great Pyramid weigh?
(a) 300 pounds.
(b) 200 pounds.
(c) 3.5 tons.
(d) 2.5 tons.

6. What is the Earth's orbit plane extended outward called?
(a) Its precess.
(b) Its ecliptic.
(c) Its obliquity.
(d) Its eccentricity.

7. How much does the Great Pyramid weigh?
(a) 6 million pounds.
(b) 6 thousand tons.
(c) 6 thousand pounds.
(d) 6 million tons.

8. What did Hipparchus discover?
(a) Obliquity.
(b) Eclipsis.
(c) Eccentricity.
(d) Precession.

9. How many degrees are allocated on the elliptic for each constellation?
(a) 360.
(b) 60.
(c) 30.
(d) 72.

10. What was discovered about unmapped oceans in Chapter 50?
(a) They still support a lost civilization.
(b) They definitely could have supported a lost civilization.
(c) They could not have supported a lost civilization.
(d) They probably could have supported a lost civilization.

11. What was inside the Second Pyramid?
(a) Gold treasures.
(b) An embalmed mummy.
(c) An empty sarcophagus.
(d) Bone fragments.

12. How did Hancock explore the Great Pyramid in Chapter 37?
(a) From afar.
(b) From the inside.
(c) From the top.
(d) From a plane.

13. How high is the entry to the Great Pyramid?
(a) 36 yards.
(b) 36 meters.
(c) 3 feet 6 inches.
(d) 36 feet.

14. What effect forces the Earth's axis to wobble slowly clockwise while it spins counter-clockwise?
(a) Precess.
(b) Obliquity.
(c) Ecliptic.
(d) Eccentricity.

15. What did Jane Sellers discover using myths?
(a) How long cycles take.
(b) A mathematical language.
(c) Meaning in the stars.
(d) How the ancient peoples used language.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 31, what are said to be encoded in the myths?

2. How many miles per hour does the Earth revolve on its own axis?

3. How many years is the sun housed in each of the zodiacal constellations?

4. What did the Sun God, Ra, do?

5. What happened to the continent after displacement?

(see the answer keys)

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