Fingerprints of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fingerprints of the Gods Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did the story of Gilgamesh take place?
(a) Mesopotamia.
(b) Colombia.
(c) Central America.
(d) Sumer.

2. What natural disasters accompany the Mayan myths?
(a) Ice and flooding.
(b) Darkness and pestilence.
(c) Plague and famine.
(d) Volcanoes and earthquakes.

3. In what forms did the god of the Andes exist?
(a) Diplomat, storyteller, musician, and troubador.
(b) Scientist, architect, sculptor, and engineer.
(c) Geologist, explorer, prophet, and herbalist.
(d) Farmer, preacher, painter, and carpenter.

4. How is longitude defined?
(a) Degrees east or west from the prime meridian.
(b) Degrees north or south from the prime meridian.
(c) Degrees north or south from Greenwich.
(d) Degrees east or west from Greenwich.

5. How did the Mayans get a complex accurate calendar?
(a) Using astronomy.
(b) Using geometry.
(c) Using sun-dials.
(d) Using astrology.

6. How far did the Olmecs transport blocks of stone?
(a) 10 miles.
(b) 60 meters.
(c) 60 miles.
(d) 10 meters.

7. What did Quetzalcoatl forbid?
(a) Building of altars.
(b) Human sacrifice.
(c) Use of weapons.
(d) Teaching of skills and science.

8. How long was the mysterious surface road on the coast and through the Andes?
(a) 15,000 kilometers.
(b) 15,000 miles.
(c) 25,000 kilometers.
(d) 25,000 miles.

9. What is a lost civilization believed to be buried under in The Mystery of the Maps?
(a) Water.
(b) Sand.
(c) Rubble.
(d) Ice.

10. How high was the man-made gate in Chapter 7?
(a) 20 meters.
(b) 12 feet.
(c) 12 meters.
(d) 20 feet.

11. According to Chapter 27, how many years ago did the peopling of America begin?
(a) 30,000.
(b) 40,000.
(c) 35,000.
(d) 45,000.

12. What type of weapon did the god of the Andes have?
(a) Metal.
(b) Wooden.
(c) Fire.
(d) Poison.

13. How many years of fossilized records of evolution exist?
(a) Three and a half million.
(b) Five billion.
(c) Three and a half billion.
(d) Five million.

14. What did the Olmecs invent?
(a) A zodiac system.
(b) Tools for sculpture.
(c) Slingshots and arrows.
(d) A calendar system.

15. What happened at the Temple of the Warriors?
(a) Initiation into manhood rituals.
(b) Prayer.
(c) Ritual slaughter.
(d) Fights to the death.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the Mayans, what precedes global destruction?

2. What are the symbols on the Yucatan's Pyramid of the Magician?

3. What is "Ricinulei"?

4. What did Philippe Buache's maps reveal?

5. Where is the Great Pyramid located?

(see the answer keys)

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