The Fighting Ground Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fighting Ground Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What road do the soldiers take toward the battle?
(a) Trenton Road.
(b) Pennington Road.
(c) Alexandria Road.
(d) Fleming Road.

2. Why does Jonathan fall behind the other soldiers on the way to the battle?
(a) His gun is long and heavy.
(b) He is wounded.
(c) His legs are shorter.
(d) He is scared.

3. What are the Hessians wearing as they approach the Americans?
(a) Blue and white leggings and golden caps.
(b) White leggings and red caps.
(c) Red and white leggings and golden caps.
(d) White leggins and blue caps.

4. What facial feature does the tall Hessian have?
(a) A gash.
(b) A scar.
(c) A bruise.
(d) Discoloration.

5. What do the American soldiers do as the Hessian soldiers come closer?
(a) Begin to shout.
(b) Fire before the Corporal gives the signal.
(c) Wait to fire until the Corporal gives the signal.
(d) Scatter and run.

Short Answer Questions

1. What facial feature does the youngest Hessian have?

2. What type of gun does the tavern keeper give Jonathan?

3. What happens to the Corporal when, after organizing the men to face the enemy, he first tries to get back on his horse?

4. What does the Corporal tell the men to do if it rains as they prepare to fight?

5. In what direction do the Hessians take Jonathan?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the American soldiers feel as they see the enemy soldiers approach?

2. What is Jonathan's perception of the enemy soldiers as they come in closer range?

3. What is Jonathan concerned about when he has trouble loading his gun as the enemy approaches?

4. How does the feeling of Jonathan's gun in his hands change as he prepares to fire upon the Hessians?

5. How does Jonathan feel about his performance in the battle?

6. What triggers the start of the battle, and how does this set the tone for the battle?

7. Why is Jonathan so eager to join the war effort in the beginning of the story?

8. How do the soldiers react to the woman in Rocktown when she runs away upon learning that enemy soldiers are on their way?

9. How does Jonathan feel about Hessians, as opposed to Tories?

10. How does Jonathan begin to understand what the Hessians are saying to him?

(see the answer keys)

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