The Fighting Ground Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fighting Ground Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the men react to the Corporal at the campfire?
(a) Nervously.
(b) Proudly.
(c) Pitifully.
(d) Confidently.

2. What does the soldier do after the boy's parents are buried?
(a) Walk away.
(b) Recite a brief prayer.
(c) Recite a long prayer.
(d) Spit on the ground.

3. What happens to the Hessians on the porch?
(a) They are unscathed and taken prisoner.
(b) They are wounded and taken prisoner.
(c) They shoot their way past the Americans.
(d) They are killed by the Americans.

4. What does the Corporal reveal about the boy's parents' deaths?
(a) He killed them.
(b) The Hessians killed them.
(c) The Tories killed them.
(d) They were killed in the crossfire of a battle.

5. What does Jonathan consider doing when all the Hessians are asleep in the house?
(a) Stealing from them.
(b) Helping the boy.
(c) Killing them.
(d) Escaping.

6. Who is the first person to greet Jonathan at the campfire?
(a) The Corporal.
(b) His father's friend.
(c) The Frenchman.
(d) A soldier he doesn't recognize.

7. When does the Corporal want the soldiers to arrive at the house where the Hessians are?
(a) At nightfall.
(b) At midnight.
(c) At dawn.
(d) At high noon.

8. What type of house do Jonathan and the Hessians discover?
(a) A large log house.
(b) A small log house.
(c) A small brick house.
(d) A broken down shack.

9. What is in the box that the boy points out to Jonathan in the house?
(a) A gun.
(b) A toy.
(c) Money.
(d) A sack and a blanket.

10. What is the Hessians' initial response when Jonathan asks for help burying the boy's parents?
(a) They yell at him.
(b) They throw him out of the house.
(c) They ignore him.
(d) They tie him up.

11. What does Jonathan do when he gets inside the house where the Hessians have been sleeping?
(a) Ties them up.
(b) Tells them it's safe to come out.
(c) Shoots at them.
(d) Warns them about the Americans outside.

12. What do the Hessians force Jonathan to do when they first find the house?
(a) Go inside first.
(b) Hide under the porch.
(c) Lock himself in the shed.
(d) Stay outside as a guard.

13. What question does the Corporal ask Jonathan when he awakens him?
(a) How old he is.
(b) Where he lives.
(c) How long he has been a soldier.
(d) Whether he wants to continue fighting.

14. What do the men at the campfire want to do when they hear Jonathan's story?
(a) Take the Hessians prisoner.
(b) Kill the Hessians at the house.
(c) Take Jonathan home.
(d) Find the boy's relatives.

15. What does Jonathan decide to do while the Hessians are asleep in the house?
(a) Find the Corporal.
(b) Kill them.
(c) Steal from them.
(d) Return home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the Hessians react to the discovery of the boy's dead parents?

2. What does Jonathan suspect about the death of the boy's parents?

3. Where does Jonathan end up after the struggle with the Hessians on the porch?

4. What does Jonathan understand about the cow near the house he and the Hessians discover?

5. What is surprising about the Corporal's voice when he awakens Jonathan?

(see the answer keys)

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