The Fighting Ground Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fighting Ground Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 116 through 128.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Jonathan immediately following the battle with the Hessians?
(a) He kills the remaining Hessians.
(b) The American soldiers come back for him.
(c) Three Hessians come after him.
(d) He chases after the Hessians.

2. What does Jonathan think would make him feel better while he and the Hessians are resting?
(a) If other soldiers on his side had also been taken prisoner.
(b) If all the soldiers on his side had gotten away from the Hessians.
(c) If all the other Hessians had been killed.
(d) If the soldiers on his side had taken Hessians prisoner.

3. Where is the battle to take place?
(a) Trenton.
(b) Pennington.
(c) Rocktown.
(d) Fleming.

4. What strikes Jonathan about the first Hessian he sees when he is alone after the battle?
(a) He seems short and weak.
(b) He seems young and inexperienced.
(c) He seems old and feeble.
(d) He seems tall and powerful.

5. How many American soldiers does Jonathan learn were killed or wounded in the battle?
(a) Two killed and one wounded.
(b) One killed and two wounded.
(c) One killed and no wounded.
(d) None killed and two wounded.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was the last time Jonathan was as far from home as he is on the way to the battle?

2. Where does Jonathan find himself soon after the battle with the Hessians?

3. How is Jonathan feeling when the group of soldiers reaches the crest south of Rocktown?

4. What does the boy do when he and Jonathan discover his dead parents?

5. What does the interior of the house Jonathan and the Hessians find look like?

(see the answer key)

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