Fight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Following his first encounter with Tyler, which support group does the narrator visit?
(a) Testicular cancer.
(b) Brain cancer.
(c) Blood parasites.
(d) Brain parasites.

2. Why is one of the narrator's bags delayed at the airport?
(a) It was vibrating.
(b) It had no tag on it.
(c) It was sent to the wrong baggage claim.
(d) It was stopped by a narcotics dog.

3. What does the narrator notice about Marla while he is at the Regent Hotel with her?
(a) Her clothes are ripped and dirty.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She seems tired and has not slept for days.
(d) She has a chemical burn too.

4. What does Marla notice about the narrator while he is at the Regent Hotel with her?
(a) Tyler's chemical burn on his hand.
(b) That he does not love her.
(c) He seems really sick too.
(d) He is too skinny.

5. What does Tyler tell the narrator he should do while he is being questioned on the phone?
(a) Stay true to Fight Club and not say a word.
(b) Not tell the person his name.
(c) Remember that we are all dying.
(d) Become truly free from consumer culture.

6. How does the narrator realize it is Tuesday while his boss reads from the paper he found in the copy machine?
(a) His boss is holding his Number One Boss mug.
(b) His boss is wearing his gray tie.
(c) His boss only comes in on Tuesdays.
(d) His boss read the date from the piece of paper.

7. What did Tyler do to the hostess the first time he sabotaged a dinner party?
(a) Burned the food.
(b) Peed into a bottle of her perfume.
(c) Spat in her food.
(d) Exposed himself.

8. What meeting does the narrator attend when his insomnia returns?
(a) Remaining Men Together.
(b) Men Alone Are Men Divided.
(c) Men United.
(d) Always Together, Always men.

9. What is the narrator's job title?
(a) Administrative Campaign Coordinator.
(b) Chief Executive Officer.
(c) Chief Financial Officer.
(d) Recall Campaign Coordinator.

10. What support group does the narrator attend several months prior to the opening scene?
(a) Melanoma.
(b) Brain parasites.
(c) Testicular cancer.
(d) Brain cancer.

11. What does Marla ask the narrator to do for her at the Regent Hotel?
(a) Take her to the hospital.
(b) Feel her forehead.
(c) Loan her money for surgery.
(d) Feel her breast for lumps.

12. What literary device does the narrator use to tell the story that led up to this moment?
(a) Hyperbole.
(b) Metaphor.
(c) Flashback.
(d) A parallel.

13. What does the narrator infer when he sees what is in the toilet at the Paper Street house?
(a) Tyler must be sick.
(b) Tyler and Marla have met.
(c) The narrator must have been sick during the night.
(d) Tyler is out of his mind.

14. How did Tyler alert the hostess about what he did to her bottle of perfume?
(a) Showed her pictures of the act.
(b) Drew her a picture.
(c) Left her clues.
(d) Wrote her an anonymous note.

15. Who came to the Regent Hotel after Tyler picked up Marla?
(a) The supervisor.
(b) The police.
(c) The paramedics.
(d) The neighbors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the telegram that Tyler sent Marla's mother say?

2. What are the people on the floors below Tyler and the narrator doing?

3. What is the narrator suffering from at the time he goes to this support group?

4. What is the favor Tyler asks of the narrator after agreeing to let the narrator stay with him?

5. Where does the narrator first meet Tyler Durden?

(see the answer keys)

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