Fight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fight Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator dream about after calling Marla to ask if she was going to the support group meeting?
(a) Moving out of the Paper Street house.
(b) Killing Marla.
(c) Having sex with Marla.
(d) Going to Fight Club.

2. Where are Tyler and the narrator at the beginning of the novel?
(a) City Hall.
(b) The Parker-Morris Building.
(c) The Empire State Building.
(d) The Tasker-Morris Building.

3. What is the favor Tyler asks of the narrator after agreeing to let the narrator stay with him?
(a) To hit Tyler as hard as he can.
(b) Not to swindle Tyler.
(c) To pay Tyler rent.
(d) To help Tyler with a job.

4. What meeting does the narrator attend when his insomnia returns?
(a) Men Alone Are Men Divided.
(b) Men United.
(c) Remaining Men Together.
(d) Always Together, Always men.

5. What is in the narrator's mouth when the book opens?
(a) Chewing gum.
(b) Blood.
(c) A gun.
(d) Nothing.

6. How does the narrator discover that the first two rules of Fight Club are being broken?
(a) He sees a lot of men with broken faces.
(b) He learns how popular it has become.
(c) He sees flyers up for Fight Club.
(d) He sees messages written on bathroom stalls about Fight Club.

7. What support group does the narrator attend several months prior to the opening scene?
(a) Melanoma.
(b) Brain parasites.
(c) Testicular cancer.
(d) Brain cancer.

8. What did the hostess do when Tyler told her about the pee in the perfume bottle?
(a) Destroyed all of the bottles.
(b) Cried in the bathroom.
(c) Complained to the caterer.
(d) Got Tyler fired.

9. What does the narrator's boss find in the copy machine that he reads to the narrator?
(a) A list of Fight Club members.
(b) A list of rules for Fight Club.
(c) A list of membership fees for Fight Club.
(d) Locations for Fight Club.

10. What does the narrator infer when he sees what is in the toilet at the Paper Street house?
(a) Tyler must be sick.
(b) The narrator must have been sick during the night.
(c) Tyler and Marla have met.
(d) Tyler is out of his mind.

11. How does the narrator finally meet Marla Singer?
(a) In a group poetry session.
(b) After the meeting.
(c) In a group prayer.
(d) In a therapeutic physical contact session.

12. What are the articles about that the narrator reads to distract himself?
(a) Animal organs.
(b) Human organs talking to other human organs.
(c) Human organs talking in the first person.
(d) Medical problems.

13. Why is one of the narrator's bags delayed at the airport?
(a) It was stopped by a narcotics dog.
(b) It was sent to the wrong baggage claim.
(c) It had no tag on it.
(d) It was vibrating.

14. Who did Marla say she thought the people calling her and not saying anything were?
(a) People from beyond.
(b) Prank callers.
(c) The I.R.S.
(d) The police.

15. What does the narrator describe as anarchy, guns and an explosion?
(a) Tyler, Marla and Fight Club.
(b) The narrator, Marla and Fight Club.
(c) The narrator, Tyler and Fight Club.
(d) The narrator, Tyler and Marla.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the narrator's job title?

2. What did security find in the narrator's bag?

3. Whom does the narrator meet at this support group?

4. The narrator tells his boss to be careful who he shows the piece of paper to. What reason does he give for this?

5. What did the telegram that Tyler sent Marla's mother say?

(see the answer keys)

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