Fifth Business Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fifth Business Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Boy describes sex as if it were what sporting event?
(a) A wrestling match.
(b) A round of boxing.
(c) A football game.
(d) A basketball game.

2. What does Dunstan find in a local cathedral in Salzburg?
(a) The statue of the Madonna that looked like his mother.
(b) The statue that saved the lives of his men during the war.
(c) The statue of a long lost saint he wants to write about..
(d) The statue of the Madonna that he saw the night he was injured.

3. Who tells David of his mother's death?
(a) Percy.
(b) Dunstan.
(c) Boy.
(d) Caroline.

4. Where does Dunstan place Mary Dempster for care after her aunt dies?
(a) In a private hospital in Toronto.
(b) In a new house with round-the-clock care.
(c) In her aunt's house with round-the-clock care.
(d) In a public hospital in Toronto.

5. Padre Blazon refers to Mary Dempster as what?
(a) Dunstan's fool-saint.
(b) Dunstan's obsession.
(c) Dunstan's purpose in life.
(d) Dunstan's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Magnus Eisengrim?

2. Dunstan's priest friend is tolerated by the other Jesuits because he is what?

3. When speaking to Padre Blazon, who does Dunstan refer to as his devil?

4. What book of Dunstan's becomes a bestseller?

5. Boy dies a few days before he was to be appointed to what post?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mary Dempster meet Dunstan when he visits her with her coat and jacket on?

2. Why does Dunstan not want to write Boy's memoir when Denyse asks him to?

3. Why does Dunstan enjoy writing the autobiography of Magnus Eisengrim?

4. What is unique about the magic show that Dunstan goes to see in Mexico?

5. What does Dunstan think is suspicious about the way Leola died?

6. When Dunstan is in the shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, what is he pondering?

7. Why is Leola a failure as a wife in Boy's eyes?

8. When it becomes evident to Dunstan that Paul does not want him back stage, what does he do?

9. Who does the head, during a magic show, say killed Boy Staunton?

10. When Dunstan tries to remind Boy about the things he has done in his life, including the stone-in-the-snowball incident, Boy responds unpleasantly and accuses Dunstan of what?

(see the answer keys)

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