Fifth Business Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fifth Business Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Dunstan Ramsay (Dunstable Ramsay)

The narrator of the story who has lost his leg and believes in co-creation with fate.

Padre Ignazio Blazon

A Jesuit priest with a brilliant mind and a showman-like flair.

Boy Staunton (Percy Boyd Staunton)

A war hero with a sense of entitlement who is also a liar and a bully.

Mrs. Mary Dempster

This character is driven mad and is labeled a "fool-saint."

Magnus Eisengrim (Paul Dempster)

Born premature, this character fights for survival and finds pleasure in time spent at the library.


Intelligent and well-educated, this character gives psychological advice.

Diana Marfleet

A nurse who embodies positive, nurturing qualities.

Leola Staunton (nee Cruikshank)

This character, the prettiest in Deptford, tries to commit suicide and eventually dies from the winter chill and pneumonia.

The Reverend Amasa Dempster

This character is described as having a blue hole for a mouth, and prays loudly...

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