Fiddler on the Roof Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fiddler on the Roof Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Villagers are asking the rabbi and each other about the big news, which is about a new _______________.
(a) Skirmish.
(b) Tsar.
(c) Arrival.
(d) Match.

2. What does Lazar give the newlyweds, Tzeitel and Motel?
(a) A gold goblet.
(b) Two cows.
(c) Five chickens.
(d) A silver platter.

3. When Tevye comes in following Perchik's marriage proposal to Hodel, Perchik says he has bad news and good news. What is the bad news?
(a) His friends were caught stealing.
(b) He's leaving the next day.
(c) He's run out of money.
(d) He broke his arm.

4. Fyedka comes to Motel's shop, picks up a shirt, and offers congratulations. When he leaves the shop, who discreetly follows Fyedka?
(a) Chava.
(b) Tzeitel.
(c) Golde.
(d) Motel.

5. In his conversation with God following the wedding, what else does Tevye mention to God as needing attention?
(a) His horse's leg.
(b) His dilapidated barn.
(c) His cow's health.
(d) The roof of his house.

6. In the conversation Tevye holds with God some time after the wedding, he says that Tzeitel and Motel work very hard and are as poor as what?
(a) Newborn kittens.
(b) Cows without grass.
(c) Squirrels in winter.
(d) Birds without a nest.

7. At the end of the story, Yente says she will go where?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) South America.
(c) The Holy Land.
(d) America.

8. When everyone talks about big news, the audience is led to believe that Tzeitel and Motel _______________.
(a) Set up a flower stand.
(b) Have separated.
(c) Just had a baby.
(d) Received a fortune from a rich uncle.

9. When Golde asks Yente which daughter gets which boy, what does the matchmaker reply?
(a) She hasn't decided that part yet.
(b) The girls can pick.
(c) It makes no difference.
(d) The boys should decide.

10. Long after Tzeitel's wedding, upon hearing of big news, the villagers trade _______________.
(a) Insults.
(b) Condolences.
(c) Gasps.
(d) Mazeltovs.

11. Why is one of Tevye's daughters going to Siberia?
(a) Perchik has been arrested and Hodel wants to go help him.
(b) The youngest will be going to school there.
(c) Tzeitel is going to ask for financial help from a relative there.
(d) Chava is running away to marry Fyedka.

12. Before Perchik proposes to Hodel, he says that marriage must be founded on ______________.
(a) Friendship.
(b) Love and devotion.
(c) Trust.
(d) Mutual beliefs.

13. Even though Tevye and Golde are leaving their home forever, why is Golde sweeping the floor?
(a) The activity calms her down.
(b) She's looking for a gold medallion she dropped.
(c) She doesn't want to leave the house dirty.
(d) It's tradition to sweep before moving.

14. Who is sitting outside the railroad station, talking together?
(a) Hodel and Tevye.
(b) Tevye and Motel.
(c) Hodel and Tzeitel.
(d) Motel and Tzeitel.

15. When the matchmaker brings Golde a couple of teen boys for her youngest daughters, what does Golde say?
(a) Go away and leave us alone.
(b) Her daughters are still too young.
(c) These boys are perfect.
(d) The boys don't even have beards yet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helps the elderly rabbi to the table?

2. When gossip started by Yente spreads like wildfire, changing along the way, the village blames the supposed woes befalling Tevye's family upon _____________.

3. When Chava tries to talk to Tevye about the feelings she and Fyedka have for each other, Tevye says it would make him happy if _______________.

4. When Tevye comes in following Perchik's marriage proposal to Hodel, Perchik says he has bad news and good news. What is the good news?

5. Some time after Perchik leaves the village, Yente comes by with a letter she picked up at the post office. It's from Perchik, and it's for ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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