Fiddler on the Roof Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Joseph Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fiddler on the Roof Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Joseph Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Scene 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the conclusion of Act 1, Scene 1, why are Golde and Tevye's daughters hoping the matchmaker will take her time finding them a match?
(a) They're scared of getting stuck with a bad husband.
(b) They want to finish school first.
(c) They want to travel and see the world before getting married.
(d) They don't want to leave their parents and sisters.

2. At the start of Act 1, Scene 2, Tevye enters pulling a cart. He addresses God, asking what?
(a) Whose idea it was to make him a milkman.
(b) Why his life continues to be so difficult.
(c) When his daughters will marry.
(d) Where he can find the riches he wants.

3. How does Tevye react when he first learns that Lazar is interested in Tzeitel?
(a) He says Lazar is way too old.
(b) He's angry.
(c) He laughs uncontrollably.
(d) He's surprised.

4. When Lazar finally realizes that Tevye thinks he's talking about buying his cow, how does he react?
(a) Faints with shock and is resuscitated by the bartender.
(b) Laughs and explains he's talking about marrying Tzeitel.
(c) Scolds Tevye for thinking such a thing.
(d) Tells Tevye he can't possibly compare Tzeitel to a cow.

5. When Perchik finally takes the cheese Tevye offers him, what does Tevye say?
(a) The villagers can be trusted.
(b) It's no crime being poor.
(c) Don't forget to thank God for it.
(d) There's always room for a bit of cheese.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Golde asks Tevye where his horse is, what does Tevye reply?

2. When Motel manages to get Tevye's attention right before everyone has dinner, he wants to talk about Tzeitel but all he is able to say is what?

3. While Tevye is introducing his family to Perchik, Motel arrives. What does Tevye say about Motel?

4. After Perchik explains where he came from, what does Mordcha sarcastically ask?

5. When Tevye first offers Perchik a piece of cheese, why does Perchik decline?

(see the answer key)

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