Ficciones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ficciones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Death and the Compass," what does the reader learn about the clues found at the crime scenes?
(a) The victims were all murderers themselves.
(b) They were all part of an insurance scam.
(c) They were taken from the Vindications.
(d) They were a ruse to lure Lonnrot to his death.

2. How does Nils Runeberg die?
(a) From an aneurysm.
(b) He is executed.
(c) From a heart attack.
(d) In an automobile wreck.

3. What does Ryan publish?
(a) A book.
(b) A magazine article.
(c) An ode.
(d) A play.

4. Why are Nils Runeberg's theories controversial?
(a) They give three theories for the behavior of Judas.
(b) He bakes pies in the shape of religious figures.
(c) They claim Judas never existed.
(d) They claim that time is irrelevant.

5. In "Death and the Compass," how are Erik Lonnrot and the police alerted to the third murder?
(a) By email.
(b) By a phone call.
(c) By clues found at the second crime scene.
(d) By mail.

Short Answer Questions

1. In his anger, how does the Irishman injure John Vincent Moon?

2. How does John Vincent Moon anger the Irishman?

3. Which American President is compared with Fergus Kilpatrick?

4. When is "The Secret Miracle" set?

5. In "Death and the Compass," what do the police receive in the mail after the third murder?

Short Essay Questions

1. What irony is evident in the membership of the Sect of the Phoenix?

2. Who is the traitor scheduled for execution in "Theme of the Traitor and Hero"?

3. Why does Ireneo Funes suffer from insomnia?

4. How does the Englishman in "The Form of the Sword" receive the scar on his face?

5. What secret does the Sect of the Phoenix keep?

6. How does Erik Lonnrot discover the location of the fourth murder?

7. How does Jaromir Hladik complete his play?

8. In "The Form of the Sword," what symbolism is evident in the scar on the Englishman's face?

9. Describe Jaromir Hladik.

10. What unique abilities does Ireneo Funes possess?

(see the answer keys)

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