Fever 1793 Test | Final Test - Medium

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Fever 1793 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Eliza take Mattie and Nell?
(a) To her mother's home.
(b) To the orphan house.
(c) To the coffee house.
(d) To her brother's home.

2. How does Mattie keep the children out of the kitchen when she and Eliza are cooking?
(a) She gives them snacks.
(b) She threatens them.
(c) She gives them crayons.
(d) She gives them the butter churn.

3. How is Nell acting throughout Chapter 21?
(a) She will not let Mattie touch her.
(b) She will not stop talking.
(c) She will not let go of Mattie.
(d) She will not stop crying.

4. How many people does Mr.Brown tell Mattie have died?
(a) One thousand.
(b) Five thousand.
(c) Three thousand.
(d) Five hundred.

5. What is Grandfather's contribution to dinner?
(a) Hot tea.
(b) A salad.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Joseph?

2. What does Mattie's mother fuss about?

3. Who is the first person up at the coffeehouse?

4. What do Grandfather and Mattie find when they walk into the coffeehouse?

5. What does Mattie get from the coffeehouse for Grandfather's burial?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Mattie find when she goes to the market?

2. Why is the Sharp home destroyed inside?

3. Why does Mother Smith suggest that Mattie is doing more harm than good to Nell?

4. Why does Mattie say that it is more difficult to care for children?

5. When Mattie goes to Simon's house what is she looking for and what does she find?

6. What type of information does Mr. Brown say that he is now reporting in his newspaper?

7. At the end of Chapter 18 what does Mattie daydream about?

8. What is Mattie and Nell's relationship at this point?

9. Why does Grandfather allow Mattie to order him to bed when they reach the coffeehouse?

10. Why does Mattie feel like a traitor when she is walking Nell to the orphan house?

(see the answer keys)

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