Fever 1793 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Fever 1793 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does this new person help Mrs. Cook?
(a) He cuts her and lets her bleed.
(b) He says that there is nothing he can do to help.
(c) He prescribes antibiotics.
(d) He gives her a shot.

2. Where does Grandfather spend the night?
(a) Downstairs.
(b) Mr. Carris' house.
(c) Dr. Rowley's house.
(d) Eliza's house.

3. Who is Polly?
(a) A slave.
(b) The serving girl.
(c) Matilda's best friend.
(d) Matilda's sister.

4. When thinking about her grandfather, her mother and Eliza, Mattie decides that who has the most strong-headed opinions?
(a) Mrs. Cook.
(b) Grandfather.
(c) They are an even match.
(d) Eliza.

5. Why does the farmer throw Mattie and Grandfather off of the wagon?
(a) Because Mattie has been rude.
(b) Because the horse cannot pull all of them.
(c) Because Mattie has fallen ill.
(d) Because Grandfather has fallen ill.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with Mattie?

2. Now that Polly has died who is responsible for her chores?

3. Under which famous political figure did Mattie's grandfather serve?

4. Why does Mrs. Epler, the egg vendor, say that people are dying?

5. Who else is in the wagon with Mattie?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe what the city looks like as Mattie and Grandfather ride the wagon through it.

2. What do Mattie and her mother argue about at the end of Chapter 3?

3. Where does the doctor suggest that the women and children should go?

4. What is Grandfather's response to the clerk when he suggests sending Mattie to the orphan hose?

5. Why does Eliza feel that Philadelphia is the best city for free African Americans to live?

6. Who is Mr. Stephen Girard?

7. Describe Mattie's morning in Chapter 1.

8. How many people have been predicted to die?

9. Grandfather feels that Nathaniel Benson must do something before he will ever be able to amount to anything. What is it that he feels he should do?

10. What did Grandfather find when he returned home to the coffeehouse?

(see the answer keys)

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