Fences Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fences Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Troy want to know where Cory is in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) Troy wants Cory to go to the store for him.
(b) Troy wants Cory to mow the lawn.
(c) Troy wants Cory to spend more time at home.
(d) Troy wants Cory to help build the fence.

2. Where does the money come from that Rose gives Lyons?
(a) From Bono.
(b) From Cory's desk.
(c) From her apron pocket.
(d) From Troy's pay.

3. How are Gabriel and Lyons related?
(a) Gabriel and Lyons are brothers.
(b) Lyons is Gabriel's nephew.
(c) Gabriel is Lyon's father.
(d) They are not related.

4. What does Cory tell Troy about the football recruiter who has watched Cory play with his high school team?
(a) Cory says that the recruiter says he's the best player he's seen in years.
(b) Cory says that the recruiter has given him some gifts.
(c) Cory says that if he's recruited he'll have a chance to go to college.
(d) Cory says that the recruiter had seen Troy play ball.

5. After Lyons and Bono leave, Cory comes home angry with his father for what?
(a) For telling his boss that he didn't want Cory to work at the store any more.
(b) For telling the coach that Cory isn't allowed play football any more.
(c) For telling his mother that he had stolen money from her purse.
(d) For telling his teacher that Cory never did any homework.

6. As Troy complains about how everybody manages his money for him, Gabriel arrives carrying what?
(a) A book.
(b) A rose.
(c) A bottle of gin.
(d) A bag of coins.

7. What argument do Rose, Troy, and Bono have about grocery stores?
(a) Whether you should shop where you get a good deal or where they know you.
(b) Whether it's possible to make a profit on a small grocery store in this day and age.
(c) Whether their local grocery store is clean or not.
(d) Whether they should patronize the new supermarket on the corner.

8. Why does Troy say that he's not impressed that Cory's being scouted by a football recruiter?
(a) Because Cory isn't making the kind of money he should to help his parents out.
(b) Because there's no money to be made by black men playing sports.
(c) Because Cory will never amount to anything.
(d) Because Cory isn't really talented.

9. What does Troy tell Cory in response to his explanation about the football recruiter?
(a) Troy tells Cory not to trust the recruiter.
(b) Troy tells Cory he needs a full-time job.
(c) Troy tells Cory he has met the recruiter.
(d) Troy tells Cory to give back the gifts the recruiter gave him.

10. On the day the play begins, what does Troy confront his boss about?
(a) About why the boss didn't promote him.
(b) About why the men received no overtime.
(c) About why the boss paid the workers so little.
(d) About why black men weren't allowed to drive trucks.

11. When Rose appears in Act 1, why does Bono say he doesn't want to stay for dinner?
(a) Bono says he's meeting friends at a bar.
(b) Bono says he's not hungry.
(c) Bono says he's afraid that he and Troy will get into a fight if he stays.
(d) Bono says he has to get home to his woman.

12. What sport does Bono say Troy excelled at?
(a) Golf.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Football.
(d) Basketball.

13. Whose names does Gabriel say are in Saint Peter's book?
(a) Rose and Cory's.
(b) Gabriel and Rose's.
(c) Troy and Rose's.
(d) Troy and Cory's.

14. What happened to Troy's mother?
(a) She shot Troy's father and was sent to prison.
(b) She ran off when Troy was eight.
(c) She died when Troy was a baby.
(d) She went to live with Troy's sister.

15. Instead of going back inside as Troy asks her to, what story does Rose (with Troy's help) tell Bono?
(a) They tell Bono about the time the kids stole some watermelons.
(b) They tell Bono how Rose got Troy fired from his job.
(c) They tell Bono about how Rose talked Troy into marrying her.
(d) They tell Bono about the time Rose's mother chased Troy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rose say about the possibility of improving one's life?

2. What does Troy say in response to Rose's concern about Gabriel?

3. When Lyons appears, what makes Troy ask him why he's not in jail?

4. Who lives with Rose and Troy?

5. At the end of Rose and Troy's conversation about Gabriel's money, where does Troy go?

(see the answer keys)

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