Feminist Theory from Margin to Center Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feminist Theory from Margin to Center Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 4 and 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of the Preface to the second edition, where does the author maintain that a feminist path will lead us?
(a) To a world where sexism is kept at a minimum.
(b) To a world of peace, freedom, and justice, without sexism or domination.
(c) To a major battle between the forces of peace and of domination.
(d) To a world where women have equality with men.

2. What general statement does the author make about men that may seem to contradict her other claims?
(a) Men are no longer sexist.
(b) Most men are unable to truly support feminism.
(c) Sexism is not perpetuated by educated men.
(d) All men support and perpetuate sexism and sexist oppression in one form or another.

3. How does the author feel about defining feminism as enabling total personal freedom?
(a) She thinks it is immoral.
(b) She sees this as the most favorable definition of feminism.
(c) She finds the definition to vague.
(d) She sees it as very limiting for women since it is a male-defined model.

4. Were there ever alternate reactions to black women's efforts to participate in the early feminist movement, and if so what were they?
(a) Black feminists' ideas about class were accepted, but not their ideas about race.
(b) Black women were always seen as a threat to the movement.
(c) Sometimes their ideas inspired new understanding and growth in the movement.
(d) Some white feminists rejected their ideas but most did not.

5. "The problem that has no name" is a quotation by which author?
(a) Bell hooks.
(b) Rita Mae Brown.
(c) Betty Friedan.
(d) Leah Fritz.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the author's view, is it valid to define feminism in terms of creating a sense of community?

2. According to the author, challenges to to sisterhood can exist between white women and women of color; between which other groups does she say that they can exist?

3. What is the author's contention about the feelings that defined sisterhood?

4. What are some of the biggest challenges to sisterhood?

5. Overall, what does the author think about the effects of the feminist movement?

(see the answer key)

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