Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to hooks, who are still socially isolated from each other?
(a) Black women and all other women.
(b) White women and all other women.
(c) Hispanic women and white women.
(d) Black women and white women.

2. Who was stereotyped and broadly given a sexist identity, according to hooks?
(a) Men.
(b) Women.
(c) White men.
(d) Black men.

3. Hooks describes one of the major focuses of the early feminist movement as being what?
(a) Raising children to become good adults.
(b) Raising boys to respect girls.
(c) Raising girls to believe in themselves.
(d) Raising children free of sexist thinking.

4. Hooks said that which of the following did some women begin to understand that resulted in the focus of feminism shifting away from just the rights of privileged women?
(a) The position of the black female.
(b) The position of white women.
(c) The position of children.
(d) The position of black men.

5. What type of women were typically reformist thinkers, in hooks' opinion?
(a) Black women.
(b) Radical women.
(c) Low-class women.
(d) High-class women.

6. From hooks' point of view, why did many conservative presses consistently present feminists as "man haters"?
(a) To actively encourage hate for women.
(b) To discredit the feminist movement.
(c) To find a way to get others interested in feminism.
(d) To prove a true statement.

7. Hooks claims that feminist leaders must connect issues in other countries to issues where?
(a) Their own societies.
(b) America.
(c) Asian countries.
(d) Third-world countries.

8. Which type of feminists were dismayed to learn their leaders were committed to imperialism, according to hooks?
(a) Radical feminists.
(b) Revolutionary feminists.
(c) Reformist feminists.
(d) Conservative feminists.

9. What type of man does hooks describe as feeling unimportant and out of control?
(a) Unemployed men.
(b) Men with bad mothers.
(c) Men with well-paying jobs.
(d) Men with many children.

10. Hooks proposes that men and women should be given state aid for how long while they pursue a career?
(a) 1 year.
(b) Less than a year.
(c) 2 years.
(d) While they are in college.

11. Which group, according to hooks, has demonized feminism the most?
(a) Right-wing fundamentalists.
(b) Left-wing liberals.
(c) Atheists.
(d) Religious groups.

12. According to hooks, what changed the face of the feminist movement more than any other factor?
(a) The demand that feminism address sexism.
(b) The demand that feminism address ageism.
(c) The demand that feminism address race.
(d) The demand that feminism address oppression.

13. Hooks claims that who must fight domestic violence before it can be ended?
(a) White and black women.
(b) Men and women.
(c) Children and adults.
(d) White and black men.

14. According to hooks, early activists were remiss for not stressing which of the following?
(a) Father-daughter relationships.
(b) Heterosexual relationships.
(c) Mother-child relationships.
(d) Lesbian relationships.

15. Hooks claimed that she was how old when she began confronting the issue of racism and demanding change?
(a) 21.
(b) 28.
(c) 19.
(d) 32.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to hooks, who knew the plight of the black woman better than anybody?

2. Which of the following did hooks describe as a barrier to the spread of feminism?

3. When some feminists within the movement sought to make the movement anti-male, what did hooks claim they deflected?

4. According to hooks, which forms of violence must be fought against?

5. What type of imperialism did hooks describe many feminist leaders as subscribing to?

(see the answer keys)

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