The Fellowship of the Ring Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fellowship of the Ring Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Legolas spots an evil spirit, or a ____________, that is coming up behind the orcs on the bridge.
(a) Sarumins
(b) Ballaine
(c) Balrog
(d) Mellon

2. Legolas tells the travelers they are _____________ so loudly that they could be easily shot in the dark.
(a) Talking
(b) Whispering
(c) Stepping
(d) Breathing

3. Gimli realizes the room the travelers are in is the Chamber of ___________.
(a) His Father
(b) The King
(c) The Queen
(d) Records

4. Who decides that he wants to head out with Frodo on the journey, even though it will be dangerous?
(a) Merry
(b) Pippin
(c) Aragorn
(d) Sam

5. Frodo tells Gandalf he did not know that ______________, or men, could be so great.
(a) Wanderers
(b) Kings
(c) Big Men
(d) Rangers

6. ___________ says that the Ring belongs to no one and that it has been decided by fate that Frodo carry it.
(a) Gandalf
(b) Elrond
(c) Boromir
(d) Aragorn

7. How many Dark Riders end up chasing Frodo as he makes his way to Rivendell?
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 9

8. The Fellowship take few ______________ because their journey does not involve war, but secrecy.
(a) Animals
(b) Belongings
(c) Provisions
(d) Weapons

9. What does Sam do when Lady Galadriel stares at him as she speaks to the others?
(a) Laughs
(b) Closes his eyes
(c) Blushes
(d) Cries

10. All of the travelers, before they leave, drink from the Cup of _____________.
(a) Parting
(b) Hope
(c) Trust
(d) Remembrance

11. Who comes upon Frodo and tells him that he is concerned for Frodo's safety?
(a) Gimli
(b) Sam
(c) Aragorn
(d) Boromir

12. Who tells the rest of the travelers that he is on his way to his homeland?
(a) Gimli
(b) Boromir
(c) Aragorn
(d) Legolas

13. ____________ tricked the Elven Smiths into teaching him their secrets, according to Elrond.
(a) Saruman
(b) Sauron
(c) Gollum
(d) The Witch King

14. What is the plant the Strider uses to help slow the poison process in Frodo's wound?
(a) Afalass
(b) Prucilas
(c) Rosemary
(d) Athelas

15. Who does Strider say has been following them for days, watching them and their movements?
(a) Sauron
(b) Saruman
(c) Gollum
(d) Gandalf

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Celeborn offer to the travelers to help them speed their journey until they decide which path to follow?

2. ___________ chastises Frodo and tells him he is lucky to be alive considering all the foolish things he has done over the course of the journey.

3. Who makes the decision for the group to leave at once, even though Sting isn't glowing too brightly?

4. Who is grabbed by the foot with a large tentacle as the travelers make their way inside the mines?

5. What causes the evil spirit to fall into the fire pit below the steps and the bridge?

(see the answer keys)

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